
Listening to: typing....
Feeling: cold
ohk.im in computer apps 2 right.and she keeps her air on like 60 and its fall.hot damn its cold i mean really cold my hands are like ice. anyway... a lot of things are going on.i love nate more than anything but i dont know if i can let him love me.its difficult im going through a lot and hes there and thats so great.. hes great..im literally going crazy.if it wasnt for ashwee, chelsea, nate and sam-antha i dont know what i would be doing right now.i cut last night why i cant quite figure out right now but its pretty bad i didnt even realize i done it until this morning.i got to school late at like 8:30 so ive only seen nate for like a minute in between classes and that sucks in like 30 minutes i get to see him.. and that will give me atemperary fix into being happy... he makes me so happy.i just dont feel like i let him know that.i am really messed up in the head but im trying i promise.i know that, that doesnt sound like a lot but it is. ilove you.i truly do.im just scared is all.scared because of a lot of things.. my life is so fucked up that i dont even know what is going to happen from minute to minute.ya know what i mean?i cant even explain to yall what yall mean to me.because its so overwhelming.yall are my everything.everything that i have left.i couldnt ask for more...umm lets see.ra i cant see nate today moms being a major biach..but it will be ok...i guess.. ill just annoythe hell out of her lol. i wish school would hurry up and let out...i hate school but in the long run its well worth it all.i guess. if you think bt it its pretty logical.lol.i got my report card yesterday and i got all a's and b's im am soooo proud of my self because even with everything going on i can still keep my grades up.that means a lot. nate is also proud of me and thats great. my greatness nateness. tehe.my jaw hurts.not supposed to chew gum but i never ever listen. not in my blood.lol....im supposed to be doing spreadsheets but they are REALLY boring.i cant wait till this weekend because im going Trail Of Nightmares (a haunted trail thingy my friends put together) saturday i dont know and sunday i dont know then. halloween weekend im spending with my ashwee we are going to hell house that friday, having her party that saturday, and probably going trick or treating with my little sisters. im so bored. she turned the air down so its not near as cold.-yayness- but i think im gonna go... and think about my nate, and ashwee, and chel-say-a, nad sam-antha ahhh they are so awesome dont ya wish you had friends like them. im outtie!! muahness! ×eerleesha
Read 3 comments
glad someone understands that random babble. lol
tell nate dufus.
-sings- it could be love
im out
-stabs mother in the ear with a screw driver over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over- i hate her. . .
Hi Alisha...You shouldn't cut yourself. I'm sure the results will be much better in the long run...