quiz 2by atreyu on May 13th 2005, 12:00AMthats wierd i filled this out but when i posted it on here it say hermafridite and shit lol What will be the first letter of the person you marry?Created by mineofGod and taken 29446 times on bzoink!NameDate of BirthGenderMale Female HermaphroditeFavorite ColorFirst letter of the person you will marry ECreate a Quizlet | Search Quizlets | Go to bzoink!Read 6 commentsPreviousNextHey, did you have a good time with Emily? lol, I am going to the movies tomorrow with my friend Alex, lol. Cya hun. :)[razrbladedeath]fuck you alex, in the ass, no butter, raw.[moroseumbra]no ass fucking for me today....sorry i have personal butt problems[moroseumbra]not having the best day alex bear (rar, scary) with me here, i will be confusing.[moroseumbra]its ok fanx for the hug...how are you fairing then[moroseumbra]aww, kool. Wut is ti?[razrbladedeath]