well...this weeks been wierd...last night i just randomly feel sick at emilys and go home...get home feel a bit better and now i feel fine...cg i hope everything works out for you...i hope my dad goes to florida soon hes really starting to annoy me... :EDIT: well i had a feeling you were fucking with me cg and joe...just didnt want to be an ass and be like yeah right then it actually did happen then id prolly feel like shit after... :EDIT: WHY DOES EVERYONE FUCK WITH ME!!?? first that lame ass entry then this?come on give me a goddamn break!!! :EDIT: ok my physical thearopy is at 3 my bad im still leaving a bit early i need smokes and i gotta stop and talk to maralyn at the guitar shop
Read 9 comments
haha, didnt you know alex?? yesterday was official pick on alex day or something. should have been on your calendar.
Hey, what is going on?

Mind telling me?

aww, I am sorry. Well, my trip was fucking AMAZING! I had SO much fun!

Getting blazed and piss drunk...whata week!

read my journal about you alex
i really am sorry, take a breather........deep breath.....phew. feel better? *hug* sorry.
ok, i love you!!!@#$%^&&
well you seem like it...i now need more reassurance.
how do i get a pic on my comment thing
i love you diary!!! skulls and cross bones kick major ass!!