heres some pics i stole of ems diarys for the time beini forgot my damn camera for prom it sucked!!!well prom was pretty good it was fun heres some pics
from the top down
chris and i dunno who that fag is
corey and his date sam emilys friend
cg and joe
and emily and i
Yeah I like that one better, also...Although you look completely cute in the one where you're smiling, I look like a dork lol...but then in that one where you're not smiling you look hot too so...yup! BTW, you're a theif, a dirty dirty theif.
I have to get offline at 9, but you know phone nazi...she said that I have to get offline then and I also am done with the phone for the night...Blech. But I took a 2 1/2 hour nap earlier so if I stay up until my dad passes out, I'll call you, okay? :)
I am not a big dancing person, I don't have the money for it, and no ride, lol. No date either but that don't bother me at all. I am sure it is fun. My mom bought me a dress already, lol, it is very pretty.