This Weekend

this last past weekend was good. i basically just hung out with kara; i stayed the night at her house friday night and then we went to the mall saturday. that was fun. we weren't all TOO hype or anything, but we were laughing and hanging out. i haven't hung out with her since feb. so that was nice. altho i didn't get to see much of the mall cus we spent most of our time in Spencers *cough* *cough* (KARA!!!) ahaha, luv u hunniez... ooo AND kara took me out on a date while we were there. i got a meal, a drink, AND dessert! uh oh! our first OFFICIAL date. ahahaha. she even escorted me around the mall. how sweet. aww man, but when we were in Hot Topic i almost cried (i aint even playing) cus i saw "The Crow" throw blanket. i want it sooooooo bad!!!!! i got so upset that i had to leave the store. i just walked out all sad/mad that i couldn't have it. :( i want it!!! and i also want this lipgloss from Victoria's Secret and these sunglasses from Maurices... so yea. i wish i had money that day. well, that is about it. then saturday night i came home and just walked around for an hour straight... just walkin and takin time for myself. that felt good. well, that's it guyz. leave me love... "I love the way you make me so happy, And the ways you show you care. I love the way you say, "I Love You," And the way you're always there." - Crystal Jansen - A Wish I lie on the ground, and stare into space, the stars start to move, into the shape of your face. I see you there now, looking down at me, with that cute little smile, that I like to see. You say "close your eyes", "tell me what you see", I see only two people, just you and me. We're walking the shoreline, with our feet getting wet, the horizon turns pink, as the sun starts to set. We make love through the night, on that white sandy shore, then I hold you while thinking, I could want nothing more. Oh I wish I could be, in that one special place, as I lie on the ground, and I stare into space... - Randy Schutte -
Read 11 comments
aww thnx urs is cute to..can i add ya as a friend?**
wow sounds like you had a good weekend...i was at the mall to saterday! I saw a lot of peoplez from audubon. but not u guys! :/ hrmm.. i dono. but i w
[continuing from my other comment! it cut me off grrr]-will w/b to you soon!! kk I havent had enough time to really type! but soon promise!!
i love your layout too! thanks for commenting! wanna be friends? x3
VIVA LA SICILIA!!! lol you kno how we do it!! ahah well i am glad u had a good weekend and i can't wait to show u the pics lol
lol, yeah I got a header picture FINALLY because I was in typing class..and was bored and had nothing to do. SO i did
its kind of loser-ish because he's liked me since the beginning of the year and just now I started to like him.... maybe I am feeling bad because i made him wait so long, but hey, at least I know he's worth a shot because he didn't give up :D
plus I'm hot, who wouldn't want me?

*cough*zach*cough* lmfao................
:| so wat if i do?! lol...ya ya ya
ty for the comment. It's been a rough time and it still is.. just now i kno now to deal with it.. and i'm sorry dear. i wish this person wouldn't because you dont deserve to be having any harder than life is.. i pray for the best and u kno that i'll always be here to lighten ur load if u ever feel like u can't hold it up nemore
thank you, thank you. let me know how you like the book. i reread it all the time because i think it's amazing.