You remind me of some sort of cat.

Feeling: achy
I am in english and have nothing better to do .. honestly I am a slacker. Sitting next to Jesse who is telling me that I remind him of a cat , all I can say to that is .. well at least its not a dog! Jesse is in a very odd mood .. he is jumping off the walls and explains to me that he is "perky". He is now telling me to describe my sitdiary to him. I didn't understand the question so I told him and he said " what??!! I can't hear you! your skirt is too loud". Speaking of my skirt , It is very cute ... I insist of making it one of my many babies as well as my new genie shoes. I call them that because I feel like a genie when I walk in them. TEACHER!!! ..... Image hosting by Photobucket .... It's ok ! So yesterday I failed to tell you about the cute guy with the bluest eyes I have ever seen, He was so sweet but it was hard to flirt back because I was busy bagging. DAMN BAGS!!! They stick together !! HMMMMMNNN I miss JENN!! super much !!! She and I are secret lovers ..And I havent seen her for ages !! OK that was a bit much , yes I've seen her but I haven't really seen her .. Its different when we are at school. I miss German too .. I could make a whole list of things that I miss but that would just be plain deppressing. Somethings you can't change and is unfixable. Look at this I am on a role with my entry. I love the sound of the keyboard. " clickity click click". That is how cool I am . MWA Image hosting by Photobucket
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