Listening to: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Feeling: nutty
i realize now that spaces won't always show up what a fucking shame, the FCC is a horrid example of how the religious right (kind of like the new world Reich) is slowly infesting amereica with it's religious policies and controlling v chips, if u have a v chip imbedded in your skull good for you i hope u enjoy the neuralysis your children experience as they enter adolescence. i hope religioun is a tsome point viewed as what it truely is a crutch for the moral, psychological, and emotional trends of humans at this current stand point in existence, we have no need for invisible men to hover over us and protect us from the bad things in life, in fact many of those bad things are exactly what most of us enjoy
im not gay but sometimes i wish i was just so it would piss off the homophobes. What a stupid thing to be afraid of if i was hit on by a guy i think i'd be flattered, actually i kno i would be flattered because i have beeen hit on by a guy. in a way it's kind of nice knowing someone in this world things ur good looking or funny or whatever you want to put in there one of those fill in the blank moments. these assholes walk around as if they know exactly what this world needs right this moment and that only they and their best friends know how to bring it around...yet they all use the exact same tactics to spew their filth which makes it incredibly easy for me and others who are awakened to their idiot notions to exploit and befuddle these neanderthals. the world should be blinded
ignorance is only a bliss if used properly there is a p urpose for ignorance just as their is a purpose for intelligenece but i can find no purpose for stupidity other then pissing me off. who's idea was it to condone words such as fuck shit damn whore slut ass and gay as "swear words" what is a swear word really, it's just one more adjective or noun or whatever the fuck you would like to call it at any moment, it's a words please get over it, so many men and women killing themselves and otheres because someone said fuck you or bring it on or my personal favorite nigger. the chances of me getting shot for even typing the letters n i g g e and r in that order are fairly high, yet when you think about it it's still just a word, i never enslaved a person, if anything i free'd people from the restraints of common civillization so how is it my problem to repay the debts of men and women i never even knew existed until i read about them in some history book. the world will always be full of idiots and people who say things out of context it's our job to be smarter then them and turn away, what with medicines and everything else the weak no longer die off therefore we might as well keep them from breeding as long as possible
wem are all conceived by passing through a womens genitals. yet the fcc believes once we see a breast the same organ a good majority received our first meal from we should sue, and eradicate the woman responsibl for such things. censorship is very american really. if it were up to me we would have the choice to walk around nude with the words FUCK YOUR AUNT UP THE ASS WITH A TOILET PLUNGER taped to our backs, but in my world it wouldn't matter anyways because we wouldn't be so incredibly sensitive to our surroundings as we are now. people shy away from such beliefs as mine but when you think about it it doesn't really matter anyways people such as i are limited in our actions we are quickly deemed "liberals" at the least and "incompetent" at the most we will never live in my world we are all far to afraid and fear is far more addictive then heroin will ever be
for the most part i find drugs to be a good thing. not so much the incredibly media frenzied drugs such as heroine and crack/cocaine but yes tobacco products marijuana mushrooms and various psychoactive drugs would accctually help us in the long run. like a bad word if people would just think about what the fuck were saying or in this scase ingesting things wouldn't be so bad and if you are an ignorant fuck and smoke three bowls pop a few shrooms and drink a forty then decide to drive over to your friends house and on the way just so happen to get in a fatal car accident...oops so sad u fucked up you die there is no three strike easy way out no you fuck up you die, im guessing parents would wake up then if your precious child would die with just one mistake...but after awhile our cultural might actually accept such ideas, in my perfect world i could sit on my porch with friends and calmly smoke enough marijuana to keep a small army high through the entire bush campaign while sucking quietly on our favorite cigarette brands, maybe we'll watch the sun set while eating peanut butter cased mushrooms and smile when we see our normal beauties become abnormal beauties, is a sunset on shrooms still a sunset or is it then classified as a sunset on shrooms. if i do young due to cancer, ok i'll be ok with that, at least i had some fun along the way, while right wing religious republican fucks live in hyperbolic chambers with cleansed oxygen and neat little tubes stuck right next to their anus (couldn't insert it of course, that may come off as homosexual and god hates them) to cleanse them of their own natural shit. it's funny that these religious fucks are so concerned with the preservation of life when they full heartedly believe in there an atheist, which incase u didn't kno means i don't believe in god...but i do believe in an after life but i have noooo idea what it is, but damn it'll be exciting, im kind of anxious to die, just to see what happens
why is fucking evil. i mean basicaly it alwayas has been looked down upon by the majority, but when you think of it it's two people enjoying themselves with these neat body parts that feel really good. true people are fuck heads and spread disease and have kids and are just that stupid, but don't blame the act blame the stupid assholes commiting the act, how hard is it to get a rubber, or birth control...back to my perfect world again...girls and boys would learn very thoroughly what sex is the types the things they can do all these wonderful fun ideas, but unfortunately they have a small _________ (fill in the blanks, i dunno chip, drug whatever you want) implanted in them when they were babies so they can't reproduce until they are at least 21, of course circumstances can be made, it can be removed by an agency group ( which will most likely become corrupt in the first few years)to allow the transfer of genes in certain cases. also if you have sex at any time without a rubber to protect from illnesses fuck you stupid ass that was your fault im not gonna feel sorry get a rubber you cheap fuck
what is fire, not the heat aspect but the actual orange or blue flame it's not like a substance it can't be contained really it neeeds a constance fuel source, so wut is it really i wish i could pick it up somehow "freeze" for lack of a better word, it and then pocket it for later use, "hey bud grab your ligher" "nah man i pocketed some flame the other day here" "PHWOOF" "thanks man i needed that light for this joint im going to smoke at the whitehouse while throwing tomatoes at george bush
in the nineties a very large group of pro-lifers assembled out side of various abortion clinics and when they could, cathered the now dead fetus's and placed them in sealed plastic bags, then let them decompose in their garage or whatever was handy, then when the once fetus now warm goo was completely liquid they would put a small hole in the side, then whip the bag at clinic doctors, patients, and in one case a Roe himself, funny how things like that never get in the news, ever wonder if someone's pulling the strings?
with that note i say goodbye for now, maybe i'll get back on in one minute, maybe i'll come back in three months who know's but i'll be back and i'll keep rambling........
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