Listening to: Symphony 41 in C major, mozart
Feeling: abandoned
i would had to say the sexiest bodypart on both sex's would be the lips. If taken care of properly they can attact one's gaze immediately. Also the forehead, and the eyestructure play a large role in all this. Believe it or not, guys and girls have few differences in this area for me, if a guy has girly eyes he's cute, if a girl has masculine eye's she's beautiful.
I love walking this town early in the morning. Clinton was once an extremely rich community of loggers and forest barrons. After the area was clear of trees, they moved on and left the area in an extreme deficit. Now we make ends meet but not by much. And the downtown area, however beautiful and stunning in it's architecture, is crippling. No one can afford them, and no one wants to. In the dark though, strolling slowly, with the sweet sounds of Mozart or Bach swinging through my ears the old buildings come alive. I cannot count the times i've danced alone or with others, through the streets of downtown, withthe buildings applauding our every move.
I bit my lip today and it bled profusely. I drank the blood and felt it dripple down the back of my mouth. Rare indeed, but not unwanted. The taste of blood is a distinguished taste, but one many like. Myself included.
I licked a girl on the bus
I kicked a man because he told me god loves me, then i licked him
I kissed a young girls hand, and she jumped up and licked me
tongue's are an interesting bodypart
i should shave my head or let it continue it's path to my shoulders, i can't decide, can you?
Now, wake up...
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