Listening to: fear noises
Feeling: punk
psychotic break....medicine for bronchitis interferes with anti psychotic. delusions...i dont like this it went away and now it's back
lady i the yellw cardigan hobbles when she walks, she is a disease she is a cloud of infection. she hobbles to hide the illness se spreads. The boy next to me isn't human he is inbred with rats and carniverous, wild, dogs...i ahte him
th girl on my side.....her eyes her eyes no more.
my muscles clench...i have tremors when i have breaks. first in my jaw backside, int he right socket, only when i yawn or extend my mouth wide, in retribution my jaw clenches hard, biting my tongue, blood is really there tracking device. i am serious about this forget the break the bood in my mouth is how they track me and i know this because it tastes like metal i have proof. buti know others cannot taste....then there are remmors in my hand making i hrd to type. i dont like these cuz they hurt....then the leg it jitters all the time on and on and on it shows ppl im "crazy" adn they try to help and i hate/love them to. im still in school cuz my leg isn't moving yet, i dont want to be here but if i complain they tsend me somewhere worse. my hands hurt and the girl with her eyes is burning the skin off my left smells horrible. someone's speakinggerman...not allowd, it's illegal, u can't speak german ppl will kil you.i warned them they dont listen....stop ...stopwhy is the world diagonal? why doe everything go to an angle..why can't i be straight, why do i lust when i love, my had hurts, girl with shiny boots.....walking away, dont touch me.....librarian asks me to got o nurse and is ay no she has a scalpel...where did she go? bi oeioke came....a classroom of ppl came in and they talk loudly...crasihng noises in my head no one likes those noises no one likes those noises. they keep librrian away...good....she asks questions and only i am allowed to do that otherwise it is illegal. i want someone to kill me do i now not because i hate life but because i am so nervous os nervous so nervous so anxious, so many guns pointed at me and so many knifes on my throat....i have to go to the nurse
yeah long hair is hot