i hate you...

Listening to: heartbeat...
Feeling: empty
for those of you who dont know, or wonder what's going on. I talked to scott, both scott's. both {nerses] the demi god i've learned to adore and care for, and the owner/creator/whatever of sit diary. i dont really know either one you can say, and im not going to tell you i do. i've never spoken to theowner scott, not until now when i lashed out at him in a fit of rage. Something i'm embarassed, but not sory about. Nerses though, i found his diary a while back, and instantly became obessed. the writing, the journals the everything was perfect. the fact that he pushed the envelope so far it made people cringe, was amazing. but what set him apart was that he didn't need to gloat, he didn't need to become an asshole, he didn't WIN anything. He was simply writing a diary. I dont know the entire truth, and im assuming i never will. Most of you can of course read the comment in the entry before this from scott the creator. but i spoke to scott (nerses) on aim and got something a bit different. things about a girl named sarah (creator scotts g/f) disliking te nature of nerses diary. im sure i'm causing more problems then anything, but then again i really dont think to many people care about mydiary, not like nerses..not like itw as. march 17 2005 was in my eyes the worst day sit diary has ever experienced, and i've only been here but a couple months. i hope that scott (nerses) decides to stay in touch with me through aim, or any other means, but im not sure about anything anymore. Respect for this site has always been utmost for me, even while reading such horrible horrible entrys about "g dawgs" and "britney spears" that whwen i found something i could cling to it made everything better, it died yesterday. i dont update very often myself, but i do check this every day at least 4 times now, usualy to see if nerses updated....now to see if he'll ever come back again. goodbye....and farewell
Read 11 comments
Underoath is awesome.
but I also love that song.

You know, its just nice when a band isn't the exact same stuff all the time. And they fluctuate. Then it gives you variety.
But I especially love the end when they scream "Jesus I'm ready to come home...Hey unfaithful hey ungraceful hey unloving I WILL LOVE YOU"
Its just..awesome.
No, you aren't weird. Because I feel exactly the same way.

Its really weird because my friend was telling me about that song [#10 on chasing safety] and I didnt really connect at first, and then something happened with one of my friends, and its like it was written. I love how you can connect to music so thoroughly.
Its completely magnificent.
Really, where in the midwest?
Congratulations on your sitdiary anniversary.
Thanks, I do not think i look good in the pic but thanks. Did you draw that pic yourself?
Mmm, I love sitDiary. Filtering the diary sites in search of that one gem of a diary that is interesting, not full of distracting html, and kind to the eyes.

It's unfortunate Nerses had to delete all his entries but that shouldn't destroy your confidence in sitD. there are still lots of beautiful, interesting people and diaries to learn of and read.

By the way, thank you for your kind comment. It really made me smile. :)
Who's the other Scott? (not nerses)
Ic...this is really messed up...
My friend can't even get her own internet friends.

Give me Scotts aim eh?
Oh correction.

Shes not my friend.
Hey, hows it going? I'm not sure I quite understand the whole thing about nerses...