posting emails, baaa-a-a-a-a-ad!

Feeling: hopeful
ok, i *just* got back from interviewing at McDonald's aaaaaaaand it went really well! i'm hired. okay, now the backstory on why that was so difficult. Okay, so i move in and my sister tells me that the McD's that one of her friends (whom i knew and got along with at Blinn) is hiring. goody! a foot in the door! so i haul down to the mcd's and fill out at app, turn it in. couple days pass, and being resourceful, i look up the number and call, talk to the manager, got her name and number and call back every couple days. a week passes, she hasn't gotten started on teh apps yet, but she *tells* me point-blank "i'm really impressed you've kept up with this" translation: show up, and you're hired! so I call a few days later, and she tells me she can't find my app. so i come in couple days later (back to back test days ;_;), and fill out another app, talk to the manager-guy there and he tells me to come in to see him this past monday at 4. So I show up a little before 4. and he's not there. =_= so i call the next day, catch the lady i've been talking to (not the mystery manager guy who didn't show up) she says to come in today at 4 and i'll see her. So i leave early, look nice, arrive at mcdonald's, as for the lady by name. "oh. she doesn't work at this mcdonald's" ....THIS mcdonald's? ?_? we have more than one?! "the other one's just down that way." so we drives to the other mcdonald's (and manage to get there before 4 still!) and finally at long last talk to the lady and she hires me. i've been filling out apps at one mcdonald's, and calling the other =_= she thought that was hilarious (i was laughing pretty hard myself) when i told her, she's like, "oh! that *would be why i couldn't find your application!" anyway, sheesh, adn yippee!! now. who here's surprised? oh, and btw, she tells me, we have *3* in town. heh. ok, point numbah two! i have the most ridiculous extra credit project. i have to pick someone i've *never* met or talked to, and randomly accost them and talk for like, 10 mins, then fill out a worksheet over it. this is for my speech class, oh by the way. mind-numbingly terrifying? yes. but, it's a great excuse. alright. so there's this librarian that's checked me out a few times. my books. she's checked out my books. and she's really friendly and the book-type and played along this last time with a couple of my bad jokes^_^ so technically i've not *ever* talked to her, but screw that, here's an excuse to! soooo, if i ever hunt her down when she's there (trying again tomorrow, she's been there at a certain times both times i've caught here) i'll let you know how it goes. ok, officially, this thing's only good if i turn it in this coming tuesday in class, but i'll use it anyway if i need too^_^ wish me luck! hoping for a cute friend if nothing else!
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mazeltov on mc D's
: P
Hola Paulywolly! Glad you decided to join the rest of us in posting our lives for strangers to criticize. You'd better post often! And you'd better still e-mail me, and they must be separate things, no more of this just posting what you already told me business ;) Are you REALLY 24?! I forgot you're so freakin old! Love you Paulywog, miss u bunches. ~Bright eyes ;)
And yes, I can happily say I've been Gerdled! lol