conundrum, dum-dum-dum...

i always end up in situations like this. so a very good friend of mine, steve, has a huge crush on this girl ( it's not me.=_= not this time at least.). he's really sweet, great guy, but he's never spoken to her, and she seems like a really nice girl, but in the wrong crowd. she hangs with the beautiful people. and he's, well, he's a dork, like me. plays video games all day, when he's not playing video games he's obsessing in the gym. anyways, he's really sensitive to this type of thing and shy and would totally kill me if he knew i was writing this adn posting it. ok, here's the crux: he's very idealistic, almost want to use teh word 'innocent', kind of person makes you feel dirty standing next to them, squeeky clean, and she's, like i said, a popular. how can i put this... it's very important to him that his girlfriend not have... previous experience? and he has no clue about women in that regard, but there's no way in hell she's not, compared to him at the very least, fairly well-travelled. i mean, she seems nice and it looks like they'd get along really well if he ever actually talked to her and if she actually noticed/liked him. it's not that he doesn't have a chance, but i don't want to see him hurt. i haven't said anything, hell, i can't explain what it is exactly that's bothering me so much about it here even. i don't want to say anything. but i've chased waterfalls too many times before, i know too well the pain, yadda yadda yadda, and how unneccesary it is to go through. should i say something? i don't want to insult him/piss him off and lose him as a friend, mainly becuase i semi-know the girl, better than he does relatively, and he always thinks becuase he wants something, every one else must want the same thing. very competitive. so i don't want him thinking that i'm trying to talk him out of it becuase i'm giong to go after her myself. i don't have many friends, and i cling to the ones i have like barnacles, so i don't want to scare him off. anybody have any suggestions? ideas? previous experience? good or bad ideas, i'm just taking anything i can get at this point. i really feel like i *should* talk to him, becuase he's already been at this for a while, i mean, yes, if i totally leave him alone he should... ought to...eventually work his way through this, but i'm nosey and don't want to see him hurt. maybe i shouldn't say anything and just be surprised like he is when he figures it out/gives up. if. when. i dunno.
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i think you being concerned is just showing that you are a good friend, but I would carefully examine the situation before you say anything. and whatever you do, don't tell him he doesn't have a chance with her. make sure she has been around that block before you tell him that and just point out that you don't think that she would be a good match for what he's looking for. the most important thing is to let your friend know you are just concrnd
ok..if you guys are true friends he won't stop being your friend cuz you're being honest with him..just let him know that what you're telling him is your opinion, your thoughts..and that ulimately it's up to him what he wants to do. At least that's what I tell my friends. I give them my two cents, but let them know it's just what I think and they don't have to do what I'm saying..just looking out for them kinda thing..and then they make their
...decision..typically the wrong one..and then they come back telling me how I was right..but anywaya..why doesn't he want them to have experience? does he?

he seems kind of the naive type..I could be wrong..but that's kinda what it sounds like. But here's the thing..if they're good for eachother..and both would like the other..let him go for it..cuz otherwise, like I've said before..he's gonna live the rest of his life wondering about that
...girl. And he's gonna live with "what ifs?" etc..and that's not fair to him either. Sometimes people need to get hurt in order to become who they'll prepare him for a future thing..situation..etc. That way he will know for sure. And he will be able to move on with his life..if something happens then he will get over it..and move on. But you have to let him give it a chance. I don't know the situation exactly..but yeah. just
let him know your concerns. I'm sure he will understand. As for being a dork, a lot of girls..well no, ok..some girls like dorks. Where is she from? like where did he meet her? at school? is the impression I got..but I'm not sure. I think that's what you said..anyways. Hope you figure something out.

awe well why don't you..? I love those songs..I had more I was gonna post..but I figured that's too much to read.
Wow. This situation seems like it'd be a lot easier [since Steve is so very competitave] if you had a girlfriend.

I would share your concerns with him. If he gets mad at you, doesn't want to be your friend anymore, so be it, but if you're right and he gets hurt, he might seek you out since your foresaw the event.

It's a hard decision to make. Good luck.

I think sometimes people just need to get hurt a little. He can't be living on a cloud forever, and then when he gets hurt, you can be there to support him and talk to him about it. He'll get over it.
Pain is weakness leaving the body. Live it, Love it, Be a better person for it.

God luck, these times can be tough.
I would say, let him learn life's lessons on his own. But you're there to help him, thats what friends are usually there for.

So yes, you should talk to him. Let him know what you think, but don't start the opening statement with something that makes him feel like you're targeting his crush & him with not them getting together. Make it easy & slow for him. You know, keep it simple & be nice about it. ;D
ok so you're a girl ... ummm weird.... ok im confused
wow i never considered it that way but yes that is very very and i mean very true!!!