ohhh-ohhh baby what a night...

Listening to: watching The Thing
Feeling: alienated
What a week…I don’t know if I even want to talk about it. I am not a poet. It’s official, I’m giving up pretending to be one. Not that I really was, that is, considering myself a poet. The class just makes it that much clearer. So we come full circle: I’m taking the senior poetry class not because I’m a poet, as I said in the beginning, but because the *exercise* of writing poetry strengthens everything else. Random girl left her phone number for me almost two weeks ago now. After avoiding it for a week, I called early this week, finally got ahold of someone not a voice service. Somehow or other, I got the girl I was trying to get ahold of’s number. More voicemail. All I’ve gotten is voicemail with the number that’s supposedly hers, so I’m not going to bother any more. I felt so confident Monday. I feel like shit on Friday night. I’m tired of being alone. If anyone’s read my comments on “mezzanine” I don’t have that friend to talk to anymore, so… I dunno. I don’t really care anymore. Once again, it is me, and just me. Today’s Dad’s birthday. Happy 55th dad, you’re now officially old. I can understand wanting the euphoria that comes from drugs, but if I’m going to be depressed and feel terrible, I’d just as soon know it was *me* that was depressed, and not whatever’s in my system killing my brain and stir-frying my liver. You’re a fool if you think you’re here only to do what makes you feel good. So I have a speech on tues. I’m doing it over Hemingway’s use of intentional ambiguity in his dialogue. Ya, I know sounds all heady and complicated. I like Hemingway. So I got back from the library, with the hidden hope of finding the library girl there, damn, anyway, got back after digging for the three sources I need for my speech. I’ve always been drawn to certain writers/bands/artists’ works and never know why. Well, sometimes I find a critical analysis that explains what it is that I really do enjoy so much about who/whatever. …so I found one, ya. Meh, I’m done.
Read 6 comments
yay you finally wrote again, I had a feeling I'd find something..so is the friend you're talking about me? cuz you still have me to talk to...you're not alone sweetie. I was actually meaning to ask you if you ever called that girl..guess you did. Very cool. I forget what else I was going to say...be well.

you will meet the most fantastical girl one day, and it will be euphoria.
You always have me to talk to! AND E-MAIL! HINT-HINT :p I miss you! I was in your neck of the woods a couple weekends ago, and will be again soon, you have to e-mail me with when you're available so you can meet the boyfriend! He needs your approval, or he's toast!
i like hemingway to... people think im weird. who knows. ne ways have you read a moveable feast? i think its pretty good. well later
lol thanks..so I have to be even more direct? this sucks I'm so not good with saying no..when it involves hurting people..I mean if it's a..well depending on the situation..I can say no..but with cases like these..ugh. it's difficult. And he wants to hang out all the time, which is fine, but I'm more of a homebody, and I'd rather stay home alone. well with my family. But alone, ya know? Ah well. We'll see what happens, if things get out of hand
I guess I'll just have to be more direct and let him know there's no chance whatsoever. Anyways talk to ya later :)
