avoiding real work

Feeling: kooky
and it's due in five hours. i'm such a slacker... *shock* not really... my anime arrived yesterday, i got Trigun and Hellsing and two series i'd seen enough of to be interesting, His and Her Circumstances (tho i seem to keep calling it Kare Kano, darn fansubs...) and Someday's Dreamers. yup, polar opposites, ultra cool action stuff, followed by a teen romance series and some girl that grants wishes. not those kinda wishes!>_< get'cher brain scrubbed. or scratched, while you're here^_^ i've been listening to so much Rage Against the Machine recently. i'm usually cutting edge or ten years behind in my music tastes. i don't really agree with like, 80% of what he says, but you gotta admit these guys were good. or rather, Tom Morello is freakin' amazing. i've heard a ton of guitar players, but not many just blow me away like this guy. i will study at his cd's feet, and perhaps not suck as much when i give up as when i started. or more likely i'll just think about it a lot and never pick up the ol' ax. it'd be collecting dust if it weren't inna case. so the case dusts. collects, that is. "knackered" prolly either means horny or drunk neither of which are true for the moment, tho it'd be *way* too expensive to attempt to get me drunk. i think. i'm too cheap to find out. but so far, ya. anyway, i should start reading so i can write that paper. it's only a couple pages and it's critique, which i can poop out pretty fast, so ya. take off, spacemonkeys.
Read 7 comments
Yeah I am pretty much slackin of the school stuff as well. I went to the casino last night and played BINGO, cause we thought it would be funny, more lame than funny by the way, but we were out til 4am, so yeah school was not on my to do list this morning... know i feel guilty, but what do ya do!? Late night Bingo with the 90 years olds was obviouslly more important then counseling skills class this morning!
lol well G is my first name and V is my middle name. That's why I checked G as well. lol but it's pretty close lol.
well that's interesting..I'm not too much of a heavy medal fan..but whatever floats your boat, right? eh..anyways tonight is a brand new episode of One Tree Hill, and I'm excited!! lol talk to ya later :)


Forgot what other comment I had over your entry..ttfn
How close are you to getting your free PSP?
it's pink..and has pen marks on it..they were suppose to clean it and press it, and they didn't so that sucks..now I gotta call 'em and complain.
lol thanks...I'm still in training, and my mother has toned down a bit, not much though..but it helps I suppose. I hope all is going well..take care..

ewe's cool!