mezzanine seats to a brutal beating

Feeling: reflective
strange how people turn upside down on you. I mean, you think you’ve got someone figured out, and then they change. I guess I’ve got the whole intuitive-side thing, but I can… feel people. Like they’re sending vibes or something, I go off of that feeling most of the time when dealing with people, particularly people I don’t know. I don’t think I rely on that as much/at all with people I think I know better. So then the changes really surprise me because I either don’t hear the vibes or I’m used to not listening for them with them or I’m immune to them by then, I dunno. That sounds really x-files, doesn’t it. Add it to my list of weird explanations and obscure conspiracy theories. If I ever get bored out of my mind, I’ll post my explanation for standardized testing. Got one word for ya: 1984, if you get that reference, then I’ve already said it all. So anne at work, the tall blonde, is apparently a tramp. Which is really a tragedy, she’s such a sweet person. So many people are so desperate to be accepted and liked that they’ll sacrifice the sanctity of themselves, of being themself, to be ‘another one.’ I have a haughty outlook and appropriately low opinion of the populars. Do they know who they are? are they aware of the loss of self? Does it bother them? Can you feel it slipping away like I can? I can feel every chunk of me pull away when I crack again and lose another piece of me. I resent the rest of humanity that you have to suffer to exist. It’s like we can’t exist without tearing others to pieces. I know I’m bad about that, but I’m also aware when I’m doing it out of spite as well. It is so difficult not to hurt those that have hurt you. I’ve found myself using this example, and it may well be *the example until I live again as a twoness (two – one – ness, twONEss, a couple) j* and I had known each other for at least three years when we broke up. We’d been best friends for just about as long. Because of the circumstances of our breakup, I couldn’t help it. I hated her. The thin line between love and hate thing? ya, don’t brush it over, is totally serious, like that line from Dangerous Liaisons (French is so frickin weird, have a few vowels you aren’t gonna use! They use their vowels like they use butter in their cooking) “you could only hurt her so deeply because you loved her” let me explain something here briefly. I’m *weird* when it comes to relationships, and I don’t think anyone I’ve dated has really truly caught me when it mattered. When I say the whole ‘love you forever’ bit, I’m dead straight. I will *always* feel something for that person. I’m just honest with myself enough that I realize that, I don’t think I’m alone, I just think most people get their kicks in denial or something, I dunno. Anyways, love changes, it has a pallet of colors it draws from dipping into an inexplicable cold fury thru the hottest passions of the heart and flesh. Er, tangent, right. Anyway, long and short is I’ve felt everything I can imagine possible for this girl, and I’m tenacious about letting someone go. I feel that if you’ve known someone that well, that deeply, you’re only cheating both of yourselves to let that friendship go, because that’s what should be at the heart of it if it’s healthy in the firstplace. I find however, that I’m the only one that can handle this. Uh. Wow, were did I start… oh ya, hated j* and I wanted to hurt her emotionally the way she’d hurt me. Then I learned that I didn’t have to do anything. I found that she was already an open wound. I could practically catch her heartblood in my hands when we talked on the phone, and I couldn’t cut deeper than she’d already torn herself. Don’t mistake me. I still love j* deeply, in ways now that I begin to suspect she will never be able to comprehend until she’s settled herself into herself. Until she stops running to others or using work to patch the little holes in the cracks in her dam. J* believes that staying busy is the same as staying healthy. This sounds like a harsh criticism, it’s really not. We function totally different, and we avoid our problems in totally different ways. I’m just showing one side, not talking about my escapism and subconscious denials, not sure I could if I wanted to. oh and since someone inevitably is offended by the "judgemental" term 'tramp', i have this diamond in the rough for you: forget you. your refusal to open your eyes to the way you're destroying yourself doesn't affect my lack of tack. you're still running thru razorwire thinking it's a good time. fine. bleed to death. don't ever ask me to tell you it's okay and accept it. that's a choice you've made.
Read 25 comments
yeah I can't find it..I'll have to go into one of my e-mails and find it..I'll post it later..I'm sure it's in there it's not a big deal..ah haha I found's under "Love is.." in this diary I am writing from lol. (K sorry that was gonna bug me unless I found it..)

so, do you think I'm crazy for the whole Tyler thing? since now you have a better understanding of it..there's so much more..I've written more entries on it and
People are one of the hardest things here to figure out. I don't think anyone can completely figure someone out. Even if you know so much.

Tramp isn't really offensive unless its the truth about someone >:) I still am shocked that the sweetest people can be the dirtiest ones.

Seems like you're living a busy life of thoughts & heartbroken people.
Wow. Apparently Joann didn't like this so much.

I was with a boy for about three years, and I hated him a whole whole lot when we finally completely broke up. I never stopped loving him and I do to this day, just differently than before. I can't let him go as a friend, we've been through too much together.

Have a great day.

you couldnt be more right... i love your site!
[Anonymous] I'm just kidding..I don't think I'm that bad..

yeah I'm done for now..i forgot what else I was going to well.

..what mean..although I haven't been in the exact same situation..nor was it with a love of my life kinda thing..I still can understand..

and I totally get the vibe thing you were talking about..

you're weird with relationships? how so? I'm just plain weird, and I like it. I don't know how I would be in a relationship..I can only imagine..but never know. yeah it should be interesting..I feel sorry for the guy lol..he does not know what he's
wow..what I future wife..will never be able to..well maybe not so..but she'll feel like she could never compare to's sounds as if she was your..hmm..first? true? love..I could be wrong..but when you're with someone for 3 years..and you started on the foundation of friendship..that right

I don't know..the way to go..words can't express what I'm trying to say obviously..I understand how you least
[Anonymous] I said, you're what about the swapping? what was that about? I did not understand that..and what's weird and creepy? I didn't see any inapproprateness..but then again that's just me..anyways..I'm off to read your entry..

Signing off with a smile (well for now) Vannessa the hoot :P

i'm Bethany, i'm 16 and I'm from Michigan... I hit the random button and you came up. just thought it would be fun to say HI!!

so... HI
hey, haven't heard from you in's only been a day lol..still that's's ok..just talk to you later then..hope all is well.

..she doesn't want to drink, she doesn't want to drink" but he still insisted..oh my gosh..I can't stand going over there..but I do cuz I rarely get to see her..but it's as if I wasn't there..but I don't learn my lesson..I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt..pretty much all the time. Stupid I'll stop there..

so, are you religious at all? or just a believer? what?

you can delete your own comments but I'd rather you
..they're huge cup of whatever acoholic beverage it is they have..and then you have the one guy that wants to force me to drink, and insists on it..ugh I get so mad with that, it's like "leave me alone..I said no.." I remember I went to this I can't spell it..lou ou..? whatever..and this guy just would not stop persisting..and he'd grab my hand or my leg and say "c'mon just a little" until finally my other friend was like "leave her alone if she
..then I got tired of writing so much I just stopped..but anyways..

as for the party thing..haha you should see what happened for my 18th birthday..we went to disneyland..and our limo got pulled over on the way's quite the story to tell..

anyways..with Lynda..everytime I go I'm always the only one not drinking, and not doing drugs. And people always say "it's good you're not.." or "don't drink it's bad for you" as they
love is a deeper form of friendship, so the feelings never really end.

it's hard to be friends with an ex, at least for me, because it seems like someone inevitably feels more than the other does. i currently have that problem with my ex, he wants us to be friends but he still has a lot of feelings for me, which makes it sort of complicated.
one of these diaries..that God saves the best for those that are willing to wait..or something..

I wrote a whole thing on what I was an e-mail to a friend..he was telling me something..I forget what..and on one of my ramblings lol..I started on what I wanted..I posted it later on as one of my entries..I forget which one..I can check and see, and let you know if you wanna read's probably on my [goof] diary.
however I'm still stumped..boys at my school are so immature..and all they want is sex..and I'm assuming cuz my mommy :P tells me this plenty a tiimes..that boys know which girls are easy and which one's aren' I don't even really get hit on either.

I don't know..I try not to think about it..cuz I get all not depressed..but sometimes I just want a boyfriend so bad..but I'm patient..and I know it'll come with time..and I read somewhere on
..why I didn't like her much..

anyways as I ramble know after I wrote about the hooter thing, I realized I could have signed off as the hoot..and figured I'd use it the next time..

what makes you wonder why I'm still single? just curious..

I went through this already with you, didn't I?..see as a melancholy lol I'm a I have had plenty of time to I've thought about possible reasons of why I'm still single,
..single thing..and on mine she put something about being a great writer, and that I should keep it up..which really surprised one had ever told me that before..I had never considered writing..I remember freshmen year..I thought what I had written was good, but I'd recieved not too good of grades on them, but then again she was a punk, I had that same teacher I had freshmen year again for yearbook, and oh man let me tell you, I remembered
wow haven't read your entry..but I's really long lol..

haha you're silly. Yes I write, but I don't consider myself to be a great can see some of my stuff..a lot of people like my creative teacher said he likes my style. And he's real awesome, so that meant a lot to me that he said that..then my junior year first semester we had to write the teacher actually took all the journals and read every
I decided to start being honest with you. And since you're being so honest in this blog, I'm sharing it with all of your readers too. Scroll to the bottom and work your way back to the top.

And then get over yourself and move on.
They're afraid of accepting responsibility, afraid of forgiving themselves for their own mistakes or shortcomings, afraid of the unknown. I refuse to be afraid anymore. And I refuse to resent you and myself for something that happened years ago.

I've moved on. And I really, truly hope you will too someday soon.
And you can stop being so proud of yourself for always being friends with your exes. All this time, when we've been trying to be "friends," we've never really succeeded. Friends are honest with each other. We've been hiding our resentment for each other all this time. Friends with such deep resentment and mistrust aren't really friends at all. They're just people who know each other and cling to each other because they're afraid.
Yeah, this was the biggest mess-up in both of our lives so far, but move on. It's not healthy to be so wounded after all this time. And be careful about not accepting your share of responsibility in what happened. It's dishonest to whine to people you don't even know about something that was partially your fault. Not only is it dishonest, it's just plain sad. Get back with God, get real friends, and face what's really causing you so much pain.
Next, our breakup was not my fault. It was both of us. You gave me up, and I left, and the whole process was a very long, gradual thing that you could very easily have stopped if you had accepted your responsibility for what was happening. I would not have left if you had not dropped out of school. I made that very clear, from the time you started letting things slip. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on.
First, don't use my name anymore on your diary. The people that read it don't need to know my name, and the people who know me will already know who you're talking about. Which I really don't appreciate either. You're broadcasting the most personal, tragic time in my life, and I don't appreciate it being shared with people without my permission or even knowledge. So stop it.