(33) Better

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: better
Today i feel a lot better, cuz i talked to my mom (yes i talked to her) and she said i might get to go, but she if we are moving, then we might movie on the 14th, but i dont, i want to go so bad, i have not seen brittany all summer, sorry brittany.I better get going, i really dont have much more to say. P.S. I have 200 sheets of paper sittin in front of me and i still dont have enough room to tell you how much i love you!!!!!!!!! Brittany: I WANT THAT WED SITE. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol ~Cassandra
Read 8 comments
What the hell, someone called me a bitch when your the one who is a bitch CASSANDRA. who do you think you are. i have a right to call you a bitch just cuz YOU ARE. Go fuck yourself
I called u a bitch because u r. Stop leavin comments here or i'll wreck ur fuckin life.

hey hunny i really need to talk to you
CHEERS TO THAT, Annonymus!!!!!

Whoever You Are, Annonymus Person, I LOVE YOU!

Fuck You And your Huuuuge Ass!
I am tring to stay out of you and Amiee fightin so could you plz tell your friend to do the same..i dont realy want to fight with you any more..MANDA~
Cassandra... Tell Your Friend To Please, Not To Threaten Amanda And I.

i'm Fine With You. And I'm Done Fighting With You.

Whoever The Last Annonymus Comment Was, Wasn't Me. There's Someone On sit Setting Me Up To Look Like A bitch. Sorry.

And...I Have A Question... do you still Like Dylan?

Too late, I'm gonna get everyone in high school to hate u 2 (amanda and amelia) before u get out there. Don't fuck with my friends, bitches.

Cassandra this is Sarrah and I'm not going to take sides because you both are my family and I love you too and i know how it is to fight with people who you love but you feel betrayed, but amanda is still your cousin and she said she was sorry but what I want to know is how you sit back and let this Dustin kid sit there and say stupid things like he's going to make everybody hate amanda and amiee. I'm sorry but he can't. I know a lot of people.