(87) I Love You Dustin

Gosh, Could my life get any better? The Answer...YES it can get better, cause everyday I'm with Dustin, It just gets better and better. I Love Him So Much. I have never had so much feelings for someone. I want to be with Dustin for the rest of my life. I Love being with him. He means the world to me and so much more. I will never love anyone as much as I love Dustin. This week is so crazy. Figure Skating, everyday now until Sunday. There is this Figure Skating camp in californa and it is over the summer for about 2 months. I really want to go, and get better at skating. The problem, I would miss my family and even more, I would miss Dustin. Over sping break I'm going to Texas. I don't think I will last a week, let alone 2 months. I want this week to go fast. I want it to be sunday, me and dustin are going to hang out and.....ya Fun a shit load of Fun. Gosh, I think about Sunday every minute of everyday!!! I Love You Dustin So Much!!! xoxoxo ~Cassandra
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I love you too baby. I hope some day, we have the same last names.
