I started a diary with Dustin. So me and Dustin have a Diary together. I like it. If you want to see it, its called together4ever.
Ok so I send the weekend with Dustin but not on Saturday cause I had to babysit and I made $15 which is not much to some of you but its a lot for me and it is already gone. lol. So friday me and Dustin went swimming that the lake and it was fun. I little cold but a lot of fun.
Sunday Dustin and I went to church. Then out to eat, to the park, and then went to my house. Well I had a hell of a time. But I always do.
Dustin was talking to me yesterday about well me and abou the way I look...like i hate the way i look, but then we was talking to me about how i should love the way i look and not care what everyone else thinks and just other stuff and I thought about that a lot lastnight. And You know what, Dustin is so right. I love You baby so much. You mean the world to me. I don't kno what I would do without you.
Well remember when I said that my bestfriend Cody was moving. Well that was maybe 3 months ago. And he told me he was going to call me when he got to his new house 50 billion miles away. Well he didn't. Well I was pretty upset about that then when I was about to give up on him. He FINALLY called last Thursday. I saw his last name on the caller ID and my body went numd. lol. But we talked for about 20 minutes. It was nice to hear his voice. I miss him a lot. Yesterday was his Birthday and I called him to wished him happy birthday. I was suprised to hear that he was just truning 15. lol. Almost a whole year younger then me. Oh Well.
Well gotta go. I'm babysitting. (joy...not)
I Love You Dustin so much!!!
I love you soo much baby.