(94) In Texas (Last Day)

Well today is my last day in Texas. *tear* I'm going to miss everyone. I didnt get to see everyone that I wanted though. I didnt get to see Sabrina, and Mikey, and I think I saw everyone else. Sabrina I knew I was not going to see her, but I didnt talk to her last night. There is so much more I want to do before I leave, I want to camcorder the place, I want to ride one of the 22 horse my aunt has. lol. I would like to go swimming in her big pool, but I don't think that will happen cause she has not cleaned in it a long time. I will try to put pictures on my diary so you can see so thing. I am happy that I'm going home, I get to see Kali and Dustin and my mom. Next Sunday I'm going to Dustin's house, I can't wait, it should be fun, it always is. lol. I miss you Dustin. I better get going. I Love You Dustin!!! xoxoxo ~Cassandra
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See? I told you we'd live. lol Now we just gotta make it through me being at my bro's till saturday.

I love you baby.

NC...lol i have no idea what you were saying but ok! IT's great to see you have a "great" relationship with dustin. Not many people get lucky like we are.
i hate to tell ya but you are to young to even sound like a mom lol. but yea we are pretty lucky :D