I think it is time to write in this diary. I only get on the computer only like once a week so thats why im not on MSN or leave comments much anymore. Ummmm.....what has all happen in the past week? O I remember I got in a fight with Genie. Thats a long story and i don't feel like telling that story cause I get really mad. Genie when you read this....Don't Ever Talk To Me Again!!!
Today at school i got my christmas gift from Dustin it is so cute. I love it so much. Thank-you Dustin. It is the best gift i have ever gotten! Thanks again. I Love You So Much.
Tomorrow I get to go to school at 7:15am to make up swimming, fun......not. I hate swimming at school. I just don't like it. But if i was somewhere else then its ok. Then on saturday, Dustin is coming over to my moms house and we are going to make a gingerbread house and cookies, and NO dustin you can sit on the couch and watch tv and drink beer the whole time, You are going to help me, well we all know i can't make you, but plz help me, it will be fun.
I Love You Dustin With All My Heart!!!
I just wish I could've gotten more for you.