Genie: i dont give a shit, you tell Dustin whatever the fuck you want!!!!!!!!
Brittany: Hey babe i sent you a card, its so cute, well i really dont have much to say. love always.
I have alot to say but i cant say it here, and that sucks, i wish i was not shy, its to bad that i am. But thats going to change and it did, yesterday. But i still cant say what i want to say in this diary!!!!!!! Sorry
Brittany i have something i want to tell you that i have never told you before, i want you to know but you have to say that you wont get mad at me, i love ya so much and if you get mad at me and we stop being friends then i dont know what i would do, you are my best friend, you are always there for me and i think its time to tell you something so when you see this you have to call me.
I luv ya lots. TTYL