Look Look Look at that its new. You like it? My little post thing up there? Tell me if you do and leave me a post please.
I Love you Dustin!
you didn't lose a freind bcuz you had sex in fact you didn't lose a friend at all...i just get freaked out when my friends have sex cuz this year one of my better freinds had sex and now she is pregnant...n now she screwed the rest of her life up...srry for me making it sound like i was mad at you..well i hope ur not mad at me cuz i just gave you the reason for me bein like all freakish about it...and once again srry
HEY now ur not talking to me...I mean are you mad at me now??? Well its rasclegurl08 but i got a new diary...lol so yeah ttyl
well something happend and it deleted alot of ppls freinds...lol hey soon I'm gonna put my pic in my sitD so you can see what I look like...lol
i got em