Now, the title has nothing to do with Dustin. Know one freak out. Cause I know Genie would. (lol) What I mean is Figure Skating is over for the year. *tear* Oh well. I'll get over it. I start it again in Oct. again. Only 7 months away. Gosh that sounds like forever for me. I will miss it.
Texas is 4 days away. I leave on Friday. I can't wait. It is going to be so much. I'm going to go to school with my cousin sierra for a day. That is going to be different. Her schools are really odd. Oh Well it will be fun.
Happy Birthday tomorrow to Josefe and Sheldon. I think they both turn 16. Yeah they do. I remember now.
School is going ok I guess. I hate my fuckin english teacher though. Ok, I have a big spelling problem (If you couldnt notice)and I spelled a lot of words wrong and cause of my spelling problem, I got a C+ which in my case is good. And before the test she said spelling didnt count. why did she take points off for spelling? I asked and reminded her that she said spelling didnt count and she said it did...for that part of the test anyway. Oh I was so mad. I could have done so much better if she didnt count spelling, I might of even got a B+.
Whatever two more days of my English teacher and never have to talk to her again. Unless I have her in the next 3 years again, which I hope I dont!!!
I better go, Nothing really much to talk about right now!!!
I Love You Dustin!!!
I love you too baby.
I'm so happy for you and Dustin! You've been together quite a long time now, haven't you?
Loves, Amelia