
Feeling: different
It’s been a long time since I've been here. If I had been, you would have noticed the change in me. Or would you? School started again. My classes are all right. They are much different from what I am used to. But I am coping. The play has begun. I am co-directing with Candise. I'm a little bit skeptic because her working habits are much different than my own. I am worried that I will do something to offend her. She does not take well with being ignored, or her ideas being ignored and that will happen a lot with two directors. Just like I know a lot of my ideas will be null. I am also worried about my cast. We have a lot of delicate people this year and I do not wish to offend them. Even though by saying this they are all most likely offended. Oh well, I cannot please everyone and this is too please myself. Casting people was hard. We do not have everyone yet, though we almost do. A lot of people will not be happy with their role. But that is mainly due to their one-minded-ness. I admit I was like that until I actually saw them in their audition. Everyone did so well in them. They think they did horrible because they messed up. I believe that is what makes a wonderful audition. It gives it more character and a more in depth look at how one handles a situation. I am very anxious to start rehearsals. But I have to miss next Fridays meeting because of work. I need to work so much to go on the Europe trip. I'm afraid that if I have to stop working around Christmas, I will not be able to go. That will be very disappointing. This is something I really wanted to do, like directing, its not something I can see myself willingly missing. I hope I can go, I’ll just have to fundraise like crazy. Work isn't bad. It’s more tedious than I remember. I have to do so much work a ten-year-old should be able to do. Speaking of ten-year-olds…I hate my sisters. Did they become more idiotic or me less tolerable? I would like to think I am more tolerable seeing as a babysat two nine-year-old twins (one with ADD) and a ten-year-old. The transition between my sisters and those kids was a hard one. I hope I don’t have to baby-sit the cast this year. I would like to hope the majority is my friends, or are friends in name and can comprehend things like, clean up after yourself and be quiet. Last year was horrible, but this years cast wasn’t the trouble then, save a few sparse times. Summer was hard. Three people who were in my ‘Friends’ catalogue were demoted to ‘Lost’, ‘Forgotten’, and “What Happened There?” That was hard. But I think it helped me move past my depressed state of being. I am so much better now and am happy for it. I'm glad to be happy. Lol. I don’t know how losing people helped me. Maybe it was just the realization of something that was coming from long ago. Those people were the main focus of my summers. Always. It was so weird to not have them. I didn’t work an odd job so I can’t blame it on that. Oh well, maybe it is for the best. One of my friends is anorexic. I am worried because I heard her mother will let her drop school because of “the pressures of being thin”. And boy is she ever thin. She will waste away to nothing. I will have to make another category named “deceased” just for her, for I know, emotionally or physically, that is how she will end. The pressures of society, o how I loathe them. Shall read Harry Potter, the bright light at the end of my tunnel.
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i didnt know you have this diary i wont tell people about it i assume some are not to know.