new years eve.

i dont know why its awkward between us?

i mean it shouldnt be, we should be friends. thats what i thought was gonna happen.

were you weirded out that i was hanging with bryce? your best friend?

if thats the case, you shouldnt be. you were about to hangout with one of my best friends.

was it because your girlfriend was with you?

because thats just fucked up, and you should be yourself when your with her.

i dont understand. you talk to me fine texting and on facebook IM and when your girlfriend is not around, and then your weird when she is around.

i dont get it. but whatever. get over it with whatever is wrong with you.


last night was interesting.

i hungout with bryce and two of his friends.

i thought it was gonna be awkward and weird the whole night.

but i feel comfortable with bryce, like i can be myself and he wont care.

i dont know. lets see what happens. im not jnxying anything or getting my hopes up anymore.

guys confuse me and they just dont make sense.

they dig you one day and blow you off the next.

im going with the flow and gonna see where the wind takes me.

ill hangout with whoever i want, if i finally get feelings toward someone, ill go for it.

but for now, its me and any guy who comes into my life that wants to.

today is the last day of 2009.

2010 is starting and im making a fresh start.

i get to see my friends and my ex, whom ive missed for awhile now.

i cant wait.

for now on, im going to be happy and content with my life no matter what.

im done with people that want to start drama or talk shit, no more.

i just honestly cant wait for tonight and see what happpens. ;D

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