today has been so dreary. it's been raining/snowing on and off all day. it seems like the whole day has been dark. i don't's like the whole coal miner thing has bled through into every county in the state of wv. also my dad worked a wreck today and a little 5 year old boy got hit by a bus and didn't make it. he was a preschooler and dropped his sucker so he ran back down to get it. so so so sad. wow i feel for his family and the busdriver. only prayers will suffice in situations like this.
on a lighter note, we get ashton all next week :D. stacy's getting settled back into school and the whole schedule so she needs some help with the baby. i can't wait. she's the most pleasant little thing ever. not to mention beautiful.
lately i have been so emotional. i don't know why?? that's not me, it never has been. i was never the type to cry when i'm happy or even when i'm least in front of people. but these days my flood gates are open. i hope it's just a phase.
not sure what i'll be doing this weekend. plans were to go to charleston but they may have changed.
is it only me who freaks out whenever i fight with my boyfriend? things can be going wonderfully then we have a little argument and it makes me so so so upset. i don't cry about it or tell anyone, because i'm a firm believer in keeping my business to myself or things only get worse...but i think things through about 10 million times and i begin to question things. then i wonder if i am stupid for being in a relationship that makes me feel this way or if this is just normal and a part of what comes with it..?
i know i think way too much, but i really do want answers the these questions.
in other news...i started reading again today. read some out of the gospel of John. it was so good for me.
still need to get things figured out with the whole photography job offer thing. i'm stupid not to take it but we'll see.

Bethany's graduation!! Congrats!!

me & Ashton McKenna - not the best picture, kindof blurry and dark

some of the cousins

me, mom, Bethany :)
in my experience, its normal. as the anger goes away, your vision on the matter is less clouded by why he sucks and you can see why youre good for each other.
youre smart, though. i hope that helps a lil bit.
be well.