the last time i wrote seems like such a long time ago. i actually cannot believe just how long it really has been. i had forgotten my password on here and could not remember it to save my life. i never check my e-mail, being the deciding factor in cleaning out my inbox of 300 some new messages. whenever i was going through each page deleting junk mail, i saw a message from sitdiary confirming my password change. i was so happy! i have missed writing.
things with me are going exceptionally well. life is good. i'm getting ready to go back to school, there is an amazing opportunity knocking on my door... and lance and i are still together. he has become a very major part of my life.
i'm not 100% positive about the school thing yet.. i called and have to schedule an appointment. probably sometime within the next few weeks. if i decide to go, i'm thinking this spring would be the best time. i have never felt as though my worth is held in my attending school, and i'm not in a huge rush. however, i know it will most definitely be boosted and very much emphasized if i finish up and continue on with it. i'm excited.
i am now the Youth Director at church. i enjoy it. it's hard work. it takes complete dedication and sincerity, which is good and a wonderful thing for me. we have had a lot of fun thus far. we have also grown. we're going to Winterfest in Ohio in March. i'm looking forward to it. i think it will be an excellent way to connect with the kids and become more familiar with their likes and preferences concerning worship and fellowship. i really love them all.
all i have now are some pictures from the past several months. i'm happy to be on sitdiary again. i can't wait to get back into the swing of things and update regularly. :)


me with Alec, Ashton, Hunter and Andrew.. they're the sweetest

Uggs.. I love him

Lindsay's wedding with some beautiful girls!

half of the grandkids

he looks way too excited..

me & Kristen.. love her

here we are again at the Rock-a-Thon

two of my favorite people in the world, Bethy & Chris

oops, cut off half of his face, haha
