The last straw

Thats it i have had it with someone. He was theperson i used to care about. I have been through alot with him and i always felt he would stick there and be my friend through it all. Perhaps i was wrong. LAst night he did something that i couldn't tolerate. He sat there bitching at me from his own ignorant stand point, not seeing the truth...all he cared about was his "house and job" blaming me for trying to destroy it. I was truly disapointed in his stupidity. Nathan you claim to be mature and open minded when you have proven to be the opposite. I have done nothing but look out for your intrests, i have listened to you when it seemed no one else would. I could have taken your shit last night...but then you brought in someone who had nothing to do with it who you claimed to have a problem. How dare you..... how dare you do this to me... i trusted betrayed that nothing can repair to what you did "Good bye old friend"
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i do appreciate your concern and i don't think you are wrong, i just think your helping was misplaced, im not ready to ramrod this friendship, i have known you to long for it to end like this, evne if you want it to i won't let it, it is a confusing time right now, but eve through all of this and everything that has happended i can stil knwo and see one thing, you are my best friend, i have not drank since that night and im not going to, -nathan-