Listening to: rock n roll is bitchin-reel big fish
you will never have the time
.time to figure out whats deep inside.
time to figure out all the lies.
the lies that i write in my mind
the lies that i try my best to hide.
i try my best to hide them .
but if you took a closer look.
you can see i hide them on my arm.
my wrist where i write my biggest sin.
the sin that will follow me till my bitter end.
the deeper i go i feel the stronger i grow
but really strong is a word i will never truely know
because only the strong can cope
and this copeing doesnt give me any hope
copings suppose to make you better
not feel like a joke.
this hope i speak of is it real
or is it just made up to make life look like its better than it is?
if it is made up what is there to look forward to?
what is lifes perpose
other than drownding us in aganie
so hard and painful
but the real question is
does the pain over way the fun of playing the game
the game of lifeso wicked and cruel
screwing you with every roll of the dice
every turn you make
with every turn there is a better one you could have took
but dont realize till after your life has changed for the worst
but hey hind sight is twenty twenty
sorry i have no idea what that is.. its not poetry its not even a connected gatherment of thoughts. who the hell knows.
"and were just killing time wishing it were eachother." -the morning of
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