9 ~ Distinguished Day

Feeling: giddy
Omg..... today... sweet day!! Half-day, which is great by itself... BUT: prog -> a work period, yet again, so relaxing =p chem -> a test which i didn't understand a quarter of it, it sucked >.> french -> absolutely slackest class 3v4r =D. werbs just talked about how we can change the dates of our assignments with a tradeoff for the whole period, which no one cared to listen to (which happens very often in that class =p). Then she let us out 30min early because i guess she knew every1 just wanted to get out. but here's the best part.... I GOT TO GO OUT WITH A FRIEND!!! =D=D=D walked with Charlie to go eat an overly-priced yet delicious dagwoods sandwich, then got a lift from his dad to his house. Then we had a nice plan: play Red Alert 2 on LAN. Didn't work out so well >.> his crappy comps kept on freezing up and not willing to conenct to each other. I finally fixed the connecting issue by installing IPX stuff but it would still crash 2 min into the game >.> So we ended up just playing RA2 on one comp and taken turns challenging who could survive the longest against some brutal computers. I kept on being under charlie by like 20sec >.< nonetheless, it was a lot of fun and now after coming home for 2 hours or so and eating dinner, i get to go out AGAIN and go play laser quest with like half my grade! i've never gone out so much before in my life!! but my mom's gonna kill me for using so much money today.... >.< gyahhhhhh.... time to go change into my uber black clothes for some laser quest action =D=D maybe i'll tell what happened when i come back =P --------------------------------------------- /edit omg.... just came back from Laser Quest at 10:24PM.... T3H PWNZ!! even thought it was $8 for 20min with 8 other friends (too bad the other 20 people ditched us and dind't come >.>) wtvr, we played selwyn + hdg's gf against some other group of random ppl it was something like 9 on 11. even though we lost by 700 points and me coming in a shameful 17th of 20, it was hella fun =D=D its a great workout ^_^ i broke up such a huge sweat, and to continue that sweat, after finishing our LQ game, i went over to the DDR machine and danced 6 songs straight with BSJ. Now THAT is sweat upon sweat =p. I think i'm getting a little better at DDR... but i still suck, wtvr, its so much fun =D=D All in all, today was t3h pwnage!!111oneoneone (hehe... i should start laying off the 1337 =p)
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OH MAN. u really have to get out more lol but im glad its finally starting. see darkzone that i wanted to take u to awhile ago is like lazerquest except for 25$ u get to play the whole day (which is AMAZING) and to be honest i hate my crappy computer too, but ha i love how they're the same yet mine works better cuz i kno how to take better care and not download a million different spywares like my sis lol. 17/20 is disgusting. u should be
ashamed of yourself!! thats very un-1337 haha but im glad u had an awesome day and one day we will get the LAN network up and running.