21 ~ Lightening Liberty

Listening to: Kanno Yoko - Medley
Feeling: invincible
First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLIE!! (yea... a little late, never got around to writing this =P) And so, we threw a surprise party last saturday for Charlie at his house with a whole bunch of his friends. There was a whole bunch of people (8 others from my school, thank god, I would've been SO bored if they weren't there). Anyways, the whole party (for me at least) was just talking and air hockey, which was still fun, cuz I got to do it with my friends. I don't think parents understand that to have fun, it doesn't matter what you're doing, its just as long as you're with your friends. Anyways, one step towards freedom to me. I got to go to a party that involed people outside of my school (my mom started to flip because tehre were girls going, but thankfully didn't) and I go to stay out pretty late (got home at 11:30PM). Also, I learned some new things, met like one person, exhanged a total of 15 words with my grad date (whom I barely know beyond her name). All in all, fun times, hope I get to do that more often... For a while, esp since a few months ago, I've been realizing how much my parents have been protecting me from society. (yes, here i go on once again about not having a social life) I don't think they realized or even thought about it when they started protecting me, that I would come out being alone and going straight into the real world with no experience. I'm going to keep these entries for when I grow up, to remind myself not to do this to my kids. I do NOT want my kids to go through what I'm going through, the desperation of having barely any friends. I'm going to let them go out with friends and let them socialize, instead of locking them up at home. Let them have at least start off with a little street smarts going into life, unlike me. If they ever get into a relationship, I'll encourage them all I can. *sigh* Anyways, I was thinking abuot a poem I read a while ago and thought of this: FAITHFUL by h4z3r1d3r "I do." With their vows exhanged, These two left their company to Venture out alone. Aspiring to become wine-makers, These lovers promised to share Their first bottle together under The soft moonlight. Days, weeks, months passed, Sharing their time together cultivating These essences to their Second vow. But as swiftly as the moon changes, One half parted without notice. But the other continued to work, day after night after day. Till today, The husband sits on the porch every night Under the fluctuating moon, Waiting for his wife to come back to share this Fifty-three year old bottle of wine. Don't ask what its about, this just came to my mind while I was showering and I wrote it down 5 minutes later. One good thing about lying down with not distractions, is that you can think about so many things.... "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" -Lia Gay
Read 10 comments
'In common' is nice. Kind of a rarity lately.
You write? Very nice.
Thank you. Your diary is not too bad, either.
you have a fun life, it seems
cool diary :)
ur into poetry? thats cool.
ur writting i s cool
no matter where and who there is always some aspect of law governing them.
if not, give me an example.
: )
Thanks for the comment. Opening up is something difficult for me because i've been so locked up that I find everything painful
well self-implied laws are still laws.
yeah it was an awesome party, thanks guys lol. and yes freedom does come. thats what my parents said to me when they started letting me go out more and more. just like they dont want me turning 18 and being drunk for a week straight so yeah lol. baby steps christoph lol ;)