
Last night, H2O was an interesting view on justice vs. injustice, and whether or not we deserve grace, and how many people believe they need to earn the free gift God has given them. The video was called "Drink." We did this thing with coffee and water where the dirty water symbolized our sin and the clear water was our life in Christ. Kimberly, Forrest, Brent and I stayed at Bethel until 22:00 talking about many different issues. I'm glad we did; it was a lot of fun sharing opinions on things both biblical and non-biblical and getting to know everyone better. I found out Forrest is closer to my age than I thought (21) and Brent is from my hometown! Today I went to music history and worked, as usual. It's been a pretty nondescript day so far. I should go work on my music history paper; I need to finish it before the weekend because it's due on Monday and I'm going home again. MSO tonight! First rehearsal since February. I'm stoked.
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in reference to the last entry.. ive been on here since 2003. i have never saved any of my entries to my computer but i think i might start to do it every once in a while because while the chances are small losing all the entries would make me cry! i love reading all the old ones, even though i sound so dumb :)
My boyfriend were having this discussion last night; He was all like "i don't understand why you don't like Paul, he was so liberal for his time." and I said, "No, not really. Pagans - now they were liberal." and i guess he misconstrued my meaning and thought that I wanted to be as 'liberal' as the Pagans in the new Christian Era, like with goddess worship and human sacrifices. it was frustrating because i'm not articulate. like, at all.
and therefore it is hard for me to get my message across. so this is probably deserving of its own entry but i'm curious as to your take on it: I told Caleb that Jesus was my favorite Biblical figure, and he was like "well what if Jesus said to you, 'Homosexuality is an inherent sin'?" I was like, you can't do this to me, how am i supposed to know how I would react? because I can't see how God can hate it when two people are in a loving ..
.. committed relationship with each other and God, no matter what their gender? Sorry for so many comments but I wondered what you think.
aw thanks. haha i know i hope my mom gets over this whole lip piercing thing. she is pretty close minded and ridiculous.
yeah basically thats how i feel only summed up much more nicely than I ever managed to say. Thanks. :)