Neil and I woke up relatively early and went out fishing in the canoe. At first I wasn't enthusiastic because I'm sick and I had just gotten up, but I caught a Northern (aka, a fish with big scary teeth)! I've never caught one before. I hope Neil was proud of me, even if he didn't catch it himself. I think he was.

We came in for pancakes and later went for a walk down to the creek. It goes under the road we came in on and there's a "Beware of Troll" sign nailed to a tree near it.

Neil wanted to go trout fishing later, but I wasn't feeling the greatest and the walk there and back took a lot out of me. Neil ended up napping for four hours after lunch anyway. Another potluck-type affair, this time with brats and hamburgers with onion-soup mix.
After Neil woke up, the six of us split up into two teams and played Hand and Foot. I love that game! I was on a team with Brian and Rusty. We did pretty well the first two rounds, but the last one slaughtered us.
At twilight, Barb and Rusty decided to go for a quick canoe ride. Neil and Brian had to run down to the dock and help, because they almost managed to tip the canoe over even before then pushed off shore. It was slightly amusing, but Neil was a little nervous. He kept saying, "Mom and Dad can take care of themselves, but I'm not sure they can take care of my canoe. If they lose it, I will be upset." After they came back, Neil and I went out. It was a little misty and getting dark fast, but the lake was still and the lit-up cabins on shore were beautiful. I got some pictures of but they didn't turn out too well. I got to learn how to paddle this weekend and put my skills to good use tonight. It was one of those moments you wish would last forever.
We played whist and made s'mores before bed. Barb, Jana and I took a field trip to the outhouse too, which was kinda hilarious. We took turns holding the flashlights. We're constantly looking for the porcupine, which I'm starting to doubt exists. But I'm too wary of it to doubt completely!
I'm starting to feel gross from lack of showering, but I still wish it wasn't the last night here. It's so gorgeous and fun here. And Neil's here with me. That's what matters the most.
How are you doing? I hope very well! Keep Cheerful :-)