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Very Long Quiz. Amusing. No short quizzes. 400+ Questions!

Created by grizzdobalina69 and taken 23 times on bzoink!

What time are you starting this quiz?11 pm
Do you like quizes?yeah
What is your age?14
What is your gender?female
What is your ethnic group?
What is your Location?pa
What is your Eye color?green or sometimes blue
What is your IQ?like i know
What are / were your normal school grades?usually a-b except Geometry
Do / Did you like school?ehh...
What grade are you in?9
Are you in college?no
Will you be honest about this question, and ALL of the questions?yes.
What is your favorite TV show?uhm. the simple life
Cartoon?not a cartoon fan. how about..the carebears
Porn Flick!?what my fav. one? uhm. the non lez ones :p
Would you download porn?probably not
Would you download music?yeah
Would you hack someone?doubt it
Do you hack?like..hack into computers? no
Do you know where you are?yeah...
Do you like this quiz so far?yup
Do you have YIM?yeah but dont use it
Have you ever talked to "grizzdobalina69" on YIM?no
Do you know what the hell YIM is?yes
Do you like The Sims or The Sims 2?sure
Did you realize that I was on question 300 of a quiz but it screwed up?no
And I had to restart?didn't realize that
What kind of shoes do you have?all sorts
Sneakers or Sandals?sneakers
Do you call it... Soda Pop, Coke, The name of the drink, Pop, Fizzy Water?soda
Would you drink?sad but true. yes
...Underage?sad but true. yes
Could / Would you become vegetarian?lol. wouldn't want to but i bet i could do it
Are you?no
Are you a healthy person?i guess..
Do you excercise often?yeah(track)
do yuo typo ofetn/sorta
Could you read that?yeah
When did you last look at the sky?this morning
When did you last go outside?this morning
When did you last eat a banana?uhm..like a week ago
When did you last scream at your parents?yesterday
Are you a "Goody Two Shoes"?at times probably
Are you a daredevil?sometimes..its fun
Have you been to the "Jack Daniel's Distillery" in Lynchburg, Tennesee?no
Have you heard of "Arab, AL" ?arab yes. dont know about arab, al though
Do you hate the south? "YES I DO, IT SUCKS!"no
Do you hate the North? "NO I DON'T!"no
Do you want to move to Cali?sometimes
Are you a horny Bitch / Bastard?lol...sure why not
Are you Pimpsy or Whore ish?lol. not really
Are you religious?not really
Do you think I'll judge you based on your answers? I won't! Even if I know.yeah
You. Are you a blonde?yes
Are you a dumb blonde?sometimes
Would you ever enjoy being tied up and seduced?haha. yeah
Would you ever tie someone up and seduce them?yup
Would you have sex in a public place?like..in a bathroom at a restaurant..sure :)
...So public that you could get caught 90% chance?lol. probably not
"Do you type like this? How are you today?!"eh..kinda?
or do u tyep like this lolno
0R wOr$3 DO U 7Yp3 lIk3 t#!$?????!/1/1/1/1noo
Do you judge those that type like that?yeah
Do you type like that?no
Do you judge people?yes
Do you make fun of people?uh huh :/ sorry..but sometimes they deserve it
Are you planning on taking over the world?you know it ;)
Have you taken over the world?not yet
Are you in shape?yeah
Are you fat?no
Would it be all over if you get fat?yeah
Is it all about American Idol?not really
Do you like American Idol?its ok.
Do you want to kill your neighbor?uhmm...yes sometimes
What is your favorite kind of clothing?i like bright stuff
When did you last run around?yesterday?
Do you cry often?on the inside
When did you last prank your neighbors?uh..never have
Would you prank your neighbors?yes- if it wasn't for their stupid caller id
How many times have you told me, you love her?i haven't
Would you rather party, or be alone?party
Are you friendly and have friends? Or all alone and misunderstood?friendly with friends
Or just hate people?some
Are you racist?no
Stereotypical?? uhh..dont know what that means
Do you hate the above?what?
Is my quiz better now?yeah. i like it
Do you just lick the filling off of Oreos?i do that first. then i chow down into the cookie
Call it : "Sofa" or "Couch"couch
Do you live anywhere near, or have heard of "Arab, AL"? No it's not Arabic.no
Do you think Pokemon is about the dumbest thing ever?yeah
What is your sexual orientation?does that mean are u straight? yes
Do you dress or act certain way to fit in?sometimes
Did you once do this?yes
Do you think this is stupid?it depends
Have you ever been chased by the police?uhhh..yeah. long time ago though
B00Bz or D!Ck? (LOL)what? lol. I guess dick?
"LOL" or "Hahahahaha"lol
Do you have pop ups?yeah
Do you have a friend name Kelly?no
What gender do you think I am?female
What is your favorite Shampoo?pantene
Conditioner?anything that smells good
Do you have "Celebrity Obsession"?not really
Who are you obsessed with?uh..a couple people at school. celebs? none really
Do you have any obsessions?yes
If so what?let me see. pickles, beef jerky, aol, and lots of other stuff
Are you addicted to any drugs?no
If so what?none
Are you addicted to caffeiene?no
If so what?none
Do you consider yourself good looking?...i wont judge myself on that one
Do you have self confidence?some
...Too much self confidence?at times
Do you have low self esteem?sometimes
High self esteem?sometimes
WAY TO MUCH self esteem?sometimes
When did you last eat an apple?this morning
What color was it?red
Do you have a laptop or desktop?mm hm
Are you on your OWN computer?no
Are you old enough for a job?no
Do you have one if you're old enough?
Are you to lazy to get one?i will be
What kind of music do you like?all sorts
What is your favorite band?I love green day and yellowcard and nirvana
What is a band you HATE?back street boys (WHY are they coming back?)
Name a random person you know in real life.Emily Madrak
Name a random person you know from online.Sarah
Name a random word.crazy
What are you doing?this survey
Whats on your mind?too much.
Do you watch south park?yup
Do you know any wEirD people?yes
Are you weird?i suppose at times
Are you daring?yeah
Are you sane?i think
Are you horny? (LOL)lol. soommmeetimmees
Is your mom fat?not really
Are you fat?no
Do you have any pets?yeah
Have you ever been to a karaoke bar?yeah
Do you know Martial Arts?no. but I love it
Do you know who Grizz is?no
Do you believe in love at first site?yes
Do you believe in miracles? (I believe in Miracles!)yes
Do you like our president?no
Is George W. Bush your president?yes
Would you kill someone?i dont really know
Are you home alone?no
Would you rape someone?lol. only if they wanted me to. but u can't rape the willing, so no. i wouldn't
Would you love someone?yes
Are you in love?yes
Is it going to work out?...anything is possible
Are you married?no
Are you keeping in mind to be honest?yes
Are you afraid?yes
Name your ugliest friend.no
Name your hottest friend!my hottest friend? i think Brianna is beautiful
Would you ever have sex for money?not unless the person was hot and i knew them
Would you kiss someone of the same gender?ha(em's party)
Are you a virgin? (RUNS!)yes
Do you like food?yes
Name a song you can relate too.puff daddy-i'll be missin you (i think thats the name..its old)
Name a fun song!cierra songs kick ass
Can you sing?no
Name another person you hate.elysia
What color are the walls of the room you are in?creamish
What color are the floors of the room you are in?creamish
Is someone mad at you?probably
Do you ever get mad at someone often that is your friend?yes
Are you toxic?u know it to be true
Are you spicy?yeah..at times. i've been told i'm fiesty/spicy
Are you horny? (LOL)u already asked me this. and i said sometimes
Have you ever dyed your hair?highlighted
Do you highly care about what those who aren't your friend's care about yousometimes
Do you love yourself?most of the time
Did you take that the wrong way?no
Do you take everything the wrong way?sometimes..really bad sometimes. woah. lol
What sex are you?female
PERV!shut up
Do you have an optical or standard mouse?wtf..
Do you remember the last time you had jelly beans?like..last easter?
Have you ever been on a game show?no
Ever been on TV?home videos..do they count? :p
Ever been out of your house?lol..yeahhhh
Ever met a celebrity?i met a guy on the hockey team of ontario
Name someone you love.all my friends
Ever been on a gameshow?no
What are you wearing?pink sweatpants, maroon shirt :p
What color is it?i JUST said. PINK and MAROON
If you ruled everything, would we all just be nudists? (Except the Obese)lol. that WOULD be pretty funny, but no
Do you have pride in anything that other people would judge you for?i think so
Would you support gay marriage?yes
Would you not mind?if its love, its love.
Would you strongly oppose gay marriage?no
Did you vote for Bush, Kerry, Nader, or not at all?I didn't vote. But I liked kerry
Are you in my closet?;) :o NO
Are you an awkward person?sometimes
Are you stupid?sometimes
Are you religious?not really
If so, what religion?i was catholic..but i dont really believe in everything they do or say
Yes or no?
Warno. unless we need it.
Homosexualityno( you can do it, but not me)
Bisexualityi wouldn't be bi, but i'm fine with those who are
Green Day?YES
Your life?yes. I would like to live, thank you
Religion?uhmm..i guess yes
Athiesm?go for it
Making fun of others?I shouldn't, but i do
Do you / have you / Are you?
Shop often?i do
Love often?i do..
Been divorced?never
Want a divorce?not yet
Cheat on someone who thinks you are their soulmate?inside joke with emily..i cheated on the frog with a mushy
Have good morals?kinda
Someone who loves animals?yes
Someone who is for abortion?not unless it HAS to be done
Someone who is for legalization of drugs?no
Someone who sits around all day?sometimes.
Someone who spends 5+ hours on their computer?yes
Someone who has a life?I'd like to think I have a life. so yes
Someone who has a cell phone?nope
Someone who is secretly in love with a friend?i dont think its really a secret..
Someone who believes in magic?yes
Someone who believes everything happens for a reasonnot always
Someone who believes in life after death?yes
Someone who believes in creation of the universe?yes
Someone who is prejudice against races, religions, etc?no
Someone who is fun!sure
Someone who likes Spongebob?Read 1 comments