well guys i'm going to sit here and take all my feelings out and complain and all that shit so if you dont want to hear it then I suggest you skip this entry....
I fucking absolutely positively hate mr. squier and mr. weisgold. There was track practice tonight..and I skipped with Tracy to go play tennis instead..I was still getting a workout and all that other shit so I don't see how it was THAT big of a deal. During the day I told weisgold that I was going to play tennis and that i wouldn't be at tennis. so the fuckin asshole apparently told squier and he came up to the courts where he would *never* be unless weisgold told him we were up there..and bitched for at least 20 mins. I was so mad I was shaking. I couldn't even look at him. I couldn't even believe some of the things he was saying...tracy said that we deserved it..but we quit his stupid ass team 2 weeks ago. and now I think I'm quitting and not even going to watch the meets or anything else. I dont want anything to do with him or weisgold. I dont think they've ever made me as mad as they did tonight...its just that stupid speech the squier gave to us. ERRRR. and Christina said that weisgold was looking out the door the whole time while they were doing abs..just staring at us while we played tennis. I DID tell him that I wasn't going to be there..but No. Squier still has to bitch about "you had no right to make that choice. You didn't tell the coaches, you just made up your own mind. I'm not taking you tomorrow. You could have won the 400 but i'm not taking you. you wanna know why? because you weren't at practice. If you dont have the desire then you will not succeed in life. thats how marriage is held together. thats how people become great. your not working as hard as last year. you expect to get the record by not working. you can sit up here and cry and complain about your injuries and how hard everything is. i'll know on monday whether or not you have the desire to come back to the team." --yeah..thats just a LITTLE of his big long speech. I hate him. I didn't even know that there was an invitational tomorrow. everyone told me it was cancelled. I missed ONE fucking practice. one. and I know others on the team that have missed a lot more than that and do they get yelled at? OOOFFF course not. so fuck you mr. squier. fuck you mr. weisgold. I quit your stupid ass team. You'll have my uniform on Monday.
ah. I feel a little better :/ I dont know why Mr. Squier and weis got to me so much today..but they did. I just hope in the next entry I'm not saying "Oh i'm back in Track" and blah blah blah. Right now all i wish is that they weren't the coaches. at least now squier knows that i hate him....
I really wanted that stupid 400 record too...oh well. I dont have to prove it to anyone but myself that I was good enough to get it. and thats all the proof I need. If it wasn't for those two coaches I probably would have gotten it anyway...after my legs get better..which should be by mid. July I'm going to go over the school and get really good and time all the 400's that I do. That way I'll be able to beat the record..even if I'm not in track.
hm. Ok..I'll go take my anger out on the something else now......