Today went pretty well...
I was a bitch to elysia all say since she thinks I dont have the guts to be one to her. pahahah! good one. :p
Health class we got to learn about aids and using a barrier-even if its only plastic wrap! hahah! god when we talk about std's i'm gonna be in the front freakin row right infront of her stupid podeum and i KNOW i'm going to laugh about something..probably when she says paynus instead of penis..oh god. I hope she doesn't yell at me for laughing!
Got new seats in geom. I'm on the opposite side of the room all alone. :( OOOOHHH well
Civics was fun...Spanish was really funny because Casey said, "free willy, go home" and I swear me and Brianna laughed about it the entire class. was so funny. :p
Then in English we had our so called "fun" day. woohoo. Oh well- I like my new group. :)
THEN in career prep Hanj walked past the room and he saw me and he was like "come here. just for a sec." and I pointed to mr.mcgraph and i was like "i can't just get up and leave!" and so kyle looks at mr. mcgraph-rolls his eyes- and walks right into the room and comes over to me and mr.mcgraph and kyle goes, "I need to see her for a min." and mr.mcgraph was like "no. get out" and was quite funny.
THEN omg..after school I was walking with Kyle and Emily and Kyle dropped his soccer ball and so I kicked it and it flew into the air and hit this girl in the boob. I was like SHIT! so I just turned around and ran. :P haha...that was great. :DDD
I had practice. It was alright I guess...then i was at my locker and Mr. Weisgold comes up and he pointed to the butler from scary movie 2 and he was like OMG. I love that guy! and i was like woah! me too! and he's like...omg. that part where he's stuffing the turkey is soo hilarious. i was like OMG! I KNOW! was so weird for some reason. lol
forgetting my body
i watch as it walks away
and i just keep drinking the poison
and smoking the cartons
a pack and a half a day