i need a life

The Truth Can Be Fun

Created by coldspell and taken 1511 times on bzoink!

Quick Basics
Down to the good stuff!
What are some of your goals in life?go skydiving, become rich, be accepted
Do you actually have a list written out like in A Walk To Remember?actually. never saw that movie.
How many have you actually accomplished so far?
Which is really more important to you- love or money?love
If you have something important to share with a friend, then say it here.nothing
What is your biggest fear?dying at a young age
What is your earliest childhood memory?playing with my tricycle
Whom do you hate more than anyone?:/ you all now. Elysia. sorry but i have to be honest.
Would you kill him/her?:? uhhhh. i doubt it
Whom do you love more than anyone?god thats actually a hard question. idk
Would you die for him/her?ha. i dont know
Share a secret that very few people know. Come on, it's a truth survey!uhhh...I ate rotten salsa on the last day of school.
How many times have you had sex?00000
With how many people?00000
Would you have sex with a person you didn't love?oh probably. I"m stupid like that
Have you ever seriously considered getting a sex change?no. ew. gross.
How many people have you honestly loved?hmmm. 2? no. 3
If you had to choose, then would you rather...
not be with your true love, or just live with them and never get married?live with them and never get married
be hated and remembered forever, or loved and forgotten?woah. good question.loved and forgotten i guess
live forever and be blind, or live until 65 with all of your senses intact?until i'm 65
erase your bad memories, or keep them as lessons?keep
never have sex again, or lose a limb?haha. woooow. well. if i didn't have a limb people wouldn't have sex with me anyways..so I'll choose never have sex again
watch 96 hours straight of "The Wiggles," or eat a jar of mayonnaise?eat the mayaonnaise. I already ate rotten salsa. what could be worse
rob a bank with a hilighter, or go diving in a shark-cage made of sausage?shark cage
Dishing more dirt...
How many illegal drugs have you done (including alcoholic beverages)?wait what? i guess none?
Have you ever purposefully overdosed on prescription meds?nope
Have you ever taken prescription meds that weren't yours?yes
Does your family have a history of alcoholism/drug use?nope. oh wait. my sister was a little fucked up..but nothign serious
Are you planning to experiment in college, or did you?uhh....i'll drink of course. i wont do drugs though
Have you ever had an eating disorder?NO
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?no
How did you get out of it, if you did?
Do you see love like a drug?ohhh yes
What song describes you in this moment?oh god. I'm busting out the Good C. "I just wanna livve" :p
Who inspires you to better yourself?hmm. when i look at people better than i am
Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist, deep down?a little of each
Do you believe in fate?yes
If so, then where do you think it's going to take you?wherever it so desires

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