woah..you know whats really weird? I fell asleep at exactly4:09...bcause i remember looking at the clock right before I closed my eyes, and when I woke up I looked at the clock and it had just turned to 7:09. I was like...woooow. 3 hours even! :p
wtf. I watched the oc last night...since when is Marissa a lesbian? God I missed like 2 shows out of the whole season and then she's like making out with that girl..can't remember her name. God..I wouldn't want to be Marissa...one day kiss a guy on the show the next I'd be making out with some girl..nasty. Is she a lesbian in real life? lol
anywho...The Shed(shedletski) called Kayle or Kale or Miss Kalye..dont know how her name is spelled and he was like all stupid, so of course teed and pj couldn't come sell houses with us. Then he wouldn't give me a pass to go get hanj. jesus. That really hot teacher was there again. I hope I didn't drool on the table... :D
Hmm..what else happened. tell you later. more ice cream...3rd bowl :)
You are such a fucking wack job. Atleast you're eating though.
"Just reading chocolate chip cookie cake makes me hungry."
I have to go to the barn...:-(
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 forever
well ttyl sweetie
♥ Alex
And sure she did. Suuuuuureeeeeee.
Whatever. I don't care. It's retarded.