Just Wanna Fuckin Screammmm

The story of how Tracy and I are still number 2 in doubles: a. we beat the other team fair and square. b. they decided to challenge us as SOON as the game was over..(one of which didn't even say good game..) c. We won the first set. d. They won the second set. e. We lost at 5-7. f. They will be challenged Wed. as soon as practice starts so thats the story of our lives we have a game tomorrow. I'll be missing driver's ed for the third time in a row... besides that all is well
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Yes. You should. Totally kick some ass. Woo Who Kristy and Tracey. I x3 the background by the way..
You guys can take them.

And the one that didn't say good.
Honest to God look at her :p

I loooove you