
Feeling: amused
So as promised, Here is a new entry. AND! im not gonna ask for alot of comments this time. Im aiming for....1 ahah I know its a difficult task but I pray that you people love me enough to make my wish come true lol Anyway, so I have been...reading...for like..the last 7 hours...its kinda sick acutally....all day thats what I have been doing lol. Anyway, yea.....I have a pair of sandles...and umm they are quite sexy. I love I really really really really want a willy wonka chocolate bar. willy wonka is a bitch. so, yes...Not really much to say...except..that (yet again) my diary is really....really...damn sexy...Anyway. So ill make a new entry later...once I get that one damn comment hahaha. or Ill just write tomorrow and hope that I come back to a shit load of comments....but prolly not lol cause I am so unloved ahaha ANYWAY!!!! yes...that dragon is hott....mhmm.anyway peace out fools. much much much love, -MaRio ~*~*~*~ ahahaha Its that time in the night where those crazy ass comercials come know.. with the chicks on the cellphones talking about a phone dating service...ahahaha omg...they are soo damn funny.....ahahah i am so amused right now...but that might also be from the lack of sleep hehehehehe ~*~*~*~ My new dream is to be a gangsta..ahahaha.... heheh either that...or..I want to be like tom cruise...either way...ill be fucking insane! WAIT! NO! I want to be OPRAH! not cool enough...NeverMIND! pshha
Read 22 comments
i love oprah. :( haha, she's the richest BITCH I KNOW! :D
aha, now that i think about it, i want a wonka bar too. goddamn. :P
we should totally make up ANOTHER MASTER PLAN TO ROB OPRAH!!!!!!!! that would rock. but we would have to train for months and be all flixible to go through all her security and all those lazers.. ya knO?
ahh! i probably wont be on around that time either! my boyfriend is coming over!!!!!! :D yay!
i have a feeling that, that dragon in the background is going to give me nightmares when i go to sleep, because ur page takes long to load, and thats all i look at. :[ gay internet connection. CURSE U BITCH! (THE INTERNET CONNECTION, not you. :D)
so me and him should fuck, cuz we are BOTH crazy FUCKS!
then again so am I!
tom cruise is one crazy FUCK!
rich old women are hott as fuck! :P
1 hahah YES!! Anyway yeah i want my cookie
they make me horny. i mean what? lmfao
ahaha! i love those commercials.
my internet connection is actin really gay tonight. mother fuckers. i swear its the government out to get me. cuz i did something bad, like that one time when i stole something from city hall. LOL JK. and i am glad that u dont have that much anger. if i sign offa aim often its cuz my internet connection sucks like i said. :( i am sorry. i still love you
I might get to you first... Well hey im going to bed.. Night love
LMAO!!! U dont know me but im just responding from that lindsey lohan comment u left me! I know I HATE her too.. I think she needs to be shot!! Ok that might be to mean but it would be cool and put us out of our misery!! Well i hope u have a FABULOUS life! :D
Hahah word... LMAO
damn right hommie
My entry is one of your favorites? Lol sweet! And thanks... I actually went and got oreos and some milk
nah cause i know i might have to do something for it.. You like my entry?
Choco chip nucca