
Listening to: rammstein-reise,reise
Feeling: angry
How I love this song. Rammstein Is alot different than most of the stuff I listen to but how I love them. KMFDM and Kraftwerk are also two of my Favorite Industrial bands....they are german...of course haha Umm yea I dont really know what to say. So many emotions today I cant cleary pick what Im feeling, which Is why I said I was angry...because that just always works..for everything haha... umm yea...Nothnig to do today so I will be bored as hell. My family doesnt like to celabrate like anything besides bitches..haha. i know this feeling. I hate it. Ive gone through this before Not again. I dont know if I can deal with this again. I dont want to die again. someone save me. please?
Read 20 comments
lol well for the most part school sucks major ass.. i start tuesday
yeah, all music seems to come from something so crazy and fucked up it just sounds cool. good stuff.
aww hunny! i'm here for u!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! if u want to talk, u know where to find me darling. we all go through some shit, but in the end it'll all work out, and if it doesn't... its not the end. :D LOVE YOU!!!! :)
aw yeh but newayz imma go to bed(cause i do need sleep) ttyl
i hate school as well.... i wanna burn it
aw yeh.. frig.. i hate the fact that tonight is the last night i can stay up past 12..
kk cool
lol yeh teachers suck.. hey can i add u on my friends list?
lol do it
lol HW blows.. i haven't done any since 2004
Hell ya! Add me

but newayz.. have u started school or do u start on tuesday?
but yeh.. it all depends on ur taste in music and junk..
true but really the band that has inspired most of the new bands is metallica..
aw yeh
nm... listenin to enter sandman
meh... so whats up
lol yes.. go me.. metallica rocks
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