HOLY SHIT! Ok, I got Start a war by the X-ness. :-) heh...Its quite good. i really like it :-) Im gonna get another shadows fall cd too.... eekkk Ok. so..Ive lost 5lbs...I wasnt even trying...So I currently weigh 105...I dont know if thats healthy, but eating has become more of a burden because Im never I feel weak and tired all the time. Im thinking thats because of the lack of food, but I cant help it. Im just not hungry...hmm.. Gutiar lessons again tomorrow. should be dont know.. Anywhooo yes...I say " The devils rejects" holy shit.... that was a sick and twisted movie. funny as hell. It was SoO bad that It was enjoyable lol. Rob Zombie is a little hottie though lol.. I have weird taste in men lol ...I think its the long with long hair are sexy.....ugh haha..:-P havent eaten all day so Im thinking nwo is a good time to get something in my stomache lol
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drunk white people rock.
lmfao!!!!!!!! omg. I WOULD PAY A MILLION DOLLARS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!
good i miss tripp...even if he fucked that gurl..

but drunk mexicans (i.e. ME) are even BETTER! ((hotter... LOL))
wut the hell is his last name??

ok so that his real name??
lol....its not i know it but i cant think of it at the