by mryuck
Listening to: How Far
Feeling: amazed
Alright well today when I got home Michelle Imed me and told me about this article she found on the internet about the end of the world starting to begin.. alright .. the technological advancments allow us to have a chip put into our hand between the thumb nad hte pointer finger that allows us to not use a purse or wallet because it took the place of all credit cards and like told the story of you life basically. well the bible says that there is this symbol of the devil (666) that you either get in the middle of your forehead or on this certain spot on your hand; the EXACT spot where they place the chip. if anyone is to get his chip put in them they are going to go to hell. that really scares me .. and this chip will replace all money so then if you don't get it you really can't survive. but if you don't get it and trust in the Lord to save you then you are going to be saved. but since money talks and people revolve their lives around money. it effects the way the world goes around. the problem with Iraq when we feared they would cut off our oil supply.. we owuld freak out becvause there is money and trade and products we are losing that is really not that important. I mean its just paper and its just some coins made out of metal! it has no relevance on how we need to live our lives every day. I mean people have to learn to gove and be thankful for what they got. there is so much haterid in the world its really sad! I wanted to be a politician but then I see how much pain and suffering they cause and I don't want to be a part of the pain and suffering of innocent people. just please think about this and help stop the haterid!
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