Kerry vs. Bush-A MUST READ!!

Feeling: precious
[R] .E. [A] .D. [T] .H. [I] .S. Or ENG ia 31: George Bush! Or ENG ia 31 returned at 3:13:00 PM. Or ENG ia 31: Not damn Karey Or ENG ia 31: Kerry xMisShapenChaos: Ew, Bush effed up the country enough, We need someone good in office. xMisShapenChaos: Not no damn republican!! Or ENG ia 31: U think he effed up the country. . . nice try Or ENG ia 31: No one hated the presidents who took us into the great depression or vietnam. . . this is minor compared to the deaths of vietnam or the other wars Or ENG ia 31: Suck on that fuck face =) xMisShapenChaos: I do, He is such a bad president. There has been the most job lossage when he wazs in office hten any other president in decades.. HE is not doing whats right for our country, hes rather focusing on whats oging on in Iraq more than whats going on under his nose! xMisShapenChaos: Oh, Valid points indeed.. But still does not change my mind. He brought us into this war without the UN backing us. I don't understand that. Or ENG ia 31: The great depression was FAR MORE worse. . . that was probably more than double the jobs bush has lost. . . and when we are allies with iraq and get our gas for close to free. . . who will people be thianking? Or ENG ia 31: we need no back up in a war like this. . . Or ENG ia 31: we just reached the 100 death toll like a few weeks ago. . . not too many deaths for over a year of fighting xMisShapenChaos: But htere is no need for a war. xMisShapenChaos: Yes but look at the # of people who died on 9/11.. Most of which could have been prevented. Or ENG ia 31: how do u say that could have been prevented. . . 9/11 started when Clinton was in office xMisShapenChaos: 2001, Election was in 2000 xMisShapenChaos: Bush was indeed the president. He did not strictly inforce airport laws and look at how many lives were cost because of it. Or ENG ia 31: noooo.. . . not 9/11 itself but the incidents that led to it Or ENG ia 31: the toher wtc bombing in like 1999 Or ENG ia 31: no one ever enforced air laws. . .just cuz he was in office doesnt mean blame him xMisShapenChaos: True.. But Bush blew everything out of porportion. We got the person we wanted.. We need to get out of Iraq. Why make a country that has an american democracy. To make their country as effed up as ours. Or ENG ia 31: our country is far from that. . . we are the most united/strongest country in the ENTIRE WORLD!. . . and by making it more of a democracy it will better America and the wages xMisShapenChaos: Here, Peoples jobs are being cut more and more, There are more homeless, the ghetto's are growing, The population of student dropouts and illiterate are growing because of the areas and how OUR PRESIDENT can't take time to see the real problems our country faces. Or ENG ia 31: thats not because the president is "bad". . . drop out rates loss of jobs have all been steadily dropping. . . and 9/11 just made it somewhat worse and 9/11 wasnt his fault xMisShapenChaos: Indeed we are one of the strongest countrys in the world but so many people that lost family members, or who have family members in Iraq want him out of office.. He is not looking out for what is goo for our nation. What good is it dong anyone to keep the soldiers in Iraq? Or ENG ia 31: in the long run it will be the best thing for us xMisShapenChaos: Yea, but they aren't steadily dropping now. There was a tremendus loss of jobs in the past year then there was in decades.. and it makes it harder to find a good job with pentions even with a college degree Or ENG ia 31: ecomnomical wise xMisShapenChaos: How so? Or ENG ia 31: gas/unitedness (is that a word)/he is trying to get more and more countrys ally with us and that is why we will be the strongest force. . . we will run everything. . . Or ENG ia 31: vrv Or ENG ia 31: brb* Or ENG ia 31 is away at 3:25:52 PM. xMisShapenChaos: k Auto response from Or ENG ia 31: Doing something else. . . xMisShapenChaos: And world dominition is what hitler wanted and look what happened out of that.. He tried to kill off all the Jews.. Bush is killing off the Arabics!! Tell me your opinions.. I hope kerry wins!! =)
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i hope ralph nader wins!
I want Bush to win!!

in world war 1 we didnt rebuild germany and we made them pay as alot of money...and so they went into a depression and they would follow anyone who they thought would help them even if it was Hitler. we need to rebuild Iraq cause if we dont then someone else like hitler will take over ya know?