by mryuck
xMisShapenChaos:I don't feel like talking
MyFriendIsATaco: hey, i just tried calling
MyFriendIsATaco: i was not over katies todya
Auto response from xMisShapenChaos: Does it all simply end in a blanket of darkness?
xMisShapenChaos: I don't care
MyFriendIsATaco: i acme home and fell asleep
xMisShapenChaos: I don't feel like talking
MyFriendIsATaco: well whats wrong?
xMisShapenChaos: Nothing. I don't want to talk
xMisShapenChaos: I'm sure katie will tell you
MyFriendIsATaco: what happened?
MyFriendIsATaco: i was seriously not over her house today
xMisShapenChaos: Thats fine.
MyFriendIsATaco: what did she say to you?
xMisShapenChaos: Nothing, forget it
MyFriendIsATaco: :-(
MyFriendIsATaco: think of post-it notes :-D
xMisShapenChaos: I'm not happy..I'm not going to be tonight.
MyFriendIsATaco: can you explain to me what happened?
xMisShapenChaos: I'm literally like making myself sick with the thoughts of all the stress in my life
MyFriendIsATaco: please, you wanted to talk before, and im sorry i was sleeping and didnt have my phone on me
xMisShapenChaos: Its fine
xMisShapenChaos: i don't want to talk
MyFriendIsATaco: thast not good
MyFriendIsATaco: you have to talk
MyFriendIsATaco: please
xMisShapenChaos: I don't have anything to say
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, dammit, i want to help you!
xMisShapenChaos: Theres nothing to help
xMisShapenChaos: Read my journal.. thats as big of an explaination as you're going to ger
MyFriendIsATaco: I think I might have messed things up with Matt
MyFriendIsATaco: ??
xMisShapenChaos: If you knew what me and katie talked about.
MyFriendIsATaco: tell me
MyFriendIsATaco: i dont care what it is
xMisShapenChaos: No.
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, there is nothing you can say that would screw things up between us
xMisShapenChaos: I bet
MyFriendIsATaco: dont be afraid
xMisShapenChaos: I'm not
xMisShapenChaos: i don't want to talk about it
xMisShapenChaos: Talk to me Matt
MyFriendIsATaco: im trying to!
xMisShapenChaos: Not about that..
MyFriendIsATaco: no, i want to
MyFriendIsATaco: if youre not going to, im going to call katie, and i dont want to do that becasue she lies
xMisShapenChaos: well no one ever believes me anyways.
MyFriendIsATaco: i always believe you
xMisShapenChaos: brb
xMisShapenChaos: Alright
xMisShapenChaos: She was just like reading my previous journal entry with the lyrics in it and it says "I love you so much" and she was like is that about cory because I know thats not about Matt, and I was like its not about cory..
xMisShapenChaos: Its not about anyone.. shes all like "I hear that you're telling people that you are only dating matt out of sympathy" which I aslo said I never said and wasn't true. But she doesn't believe me..
MyFriendIsATaco: why is that bothering me? i believe you
xMisShapenChaos: No..
xMisShapenChaos: You will believe her..
xMisShapenChaos: I just know it
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, no, i wont
xMisShapenChaos: Because there is something good in my life.. its bound to be messed up
MyFriendIsATaco: no jackie
MyFriendIsATaco: trust me, please
xMisShapenChaos: I do..
MyFriendIsATaco: i will NEVER let anything katie says ruin what we have
MyFriendIsATaco: believe me when i say this, i dont want to mess this up as much as you dont, you are the best thing to ever happen to me, there is no way im goign to ever let something someone else said to ruin it
xMisShapenChaos: you say that but thats what mike said too and look at what happened with him and jess?
MyFriendIsATaco: i dotn know how to prove it to you to make it better, i just dont, you have to trust me on this
xMisShapenChaos: I do trust you
MyFriendIsATaco: well i dont know what else to tell you
xMisShapenChaos: Don't worry about it
MyFriendIsATaco: you need to stop comparing us to other people
xMisShapenChaos: I know
MyFriendIsATaco: other people make sure we will too, but were different people
xMisShapenChaos: I know
xMisShapenChaos: I just don't wnat to mess up like I know I will
MyFriendIsATaco: no you wont
xMisShapenChaos: you obviously don't know me that well then
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, im a very forgiving person
MyFriendIsATaco: it would take A LOT, and i mean A LOT to make me want to break up with you, trust me
xMisShapenChaos: I do trust you.
xMisShapenChaos: I don;t trust myself.
MyFriendIsATaco: dont worry about it...i know you love me
MyFriendIsATaco: thats all that matters
xMisShapenChaos: Yea
xMisShapenChaos: I just feel bad you have to put up with me when my world is falling apart more than it ever has before.. I'm not like this.. I never was..
MyFriendIsATaco: thats why im trying to help you
MyFriendIsATaco: its not a matter of me "putting up with you", i love you, i look forward to being with you
MyFriendIsATaco: its not a burden
xMisShapenChaos: I don't know anymore Matt, everything that I have ever kept inside is about to boil over. Every emotion I ever had, every tear I ever held back seems to all be coming out at one moment and I am powerless to stop it. I feel as though I am screaming in the middle of a crowded room at the top of my lungs and no one even bothers to realize I am there. I have never felt so alone and worthless in my entire like and I don't like feeling this way. I hate it actually. I miss being happy. Today with you I was so happy. When I am with you I am the happiest I have been in a long time. But I still can't talk to you about everything. it will scare you off how messed up I really am. I would rather be alone the ever hurt you.
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, i promise you can never hurt me by telling me something
MyFriendIsATaco: it will never make me not want to talk to you
xMisShapenChaos: I don't know anymore Matt.. I'm not sure of anything
MyFriendIsATaco: you need to be sure
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, i want to go somewhere and talk with you
xMisShapenChaos: I don't want to talk about the things I've been through. I don't want to talk about the things I've never told anyone. Anyone. Conversations on AIM can be read by people you don't want them to.. Online diaries can be hacked... but my mind can't. The secrets lie there forever.. chaining me down. Even if I let them out, I'd still be stuck in hell. I can't erase any of it. I can't fix it. No one can. No one can save me. The lights that try to guide me are swallowed in the void.
MyFriendIsATaco: wow, theres some really complicated wording in there...
MyFriendIsATaco: haha
MyFriendIsATaco: i dotn know what to say, or what i can do, i want you to talk to me, you need tot alk to me
xMisShapenChaos: Did you not read what I just wrote?
xMisShapenChaos: I don't want to talk
MyFriendIsATaco: yes i did
MyFriendIsATaco: but you NEED to
MyFriendIsATaco: you cant keep all of this shit in you
xMisShapenChaos: I don't see the good it would do. You wouldn't understand either way. All it would do is open up a number of opportunities for it to be used against me. Having it out is no different any way. the memories are still there to haunt me. Talking will NEVER take that away
MyFriendIsATaco: if you dont want anything bad to happen, you need to tell me everything about anything
MyFriendIsATaco: but i cant help, at least id know what is going on
MyFriendIsATaco: and there is no way it would get used against you, i would not tell anybody about anything
xMisShapenChaos: Matt, there is a void in my life, in my heart that needs to be filled. By love beyond one person. I need my parents to love me. My dad to appoligize to me. I need my best friend to admit she was wrong like I have. In the past week I have lost more people close to me than ever before. Their death would have been better than this. At least they would be 6 feet under ground and not in front of my face teasing me and taunting me with the love they refuse to give to me.
MyFriendIsATaco: im sorry :-(
MyFriendIsATaco: i dont understand why nobody loves you...
MyFriendIsATaco: there is no reason to
MyFriendIsATaco: i wish i had enough love for all of those peopel combined :-(
xMisShapenChaos: Its okay Matt, really
MyFriendIsATaco: no, its not
MyFriendIsATaco: are you allowed to leave right now?
xMisShapenChaos: No
xMisShapenChaos: I don't want to talk even if I was
MyFriendIsATaco: well i just wnat to be with you
MyFriendIsATaco: and try to help
MyFriendIsATaco: adn you can talk as much or as little as you want
MyFriendIsATaco: i want to be there for you
xMisShapenChaos: I don't NEED anyone to be there for me
xMisShapenChaos: they were never there before and I got along fine
MyFriendIsATaco: yes you do
MyFriendIsATaco: youre not doing fine
xMisShapenChaos: Yes I am
MyFriendIsATaco: im sorry, but youre not, i dont wnat to be mean about it
xMisShapenChaos: Why aren't I?
MyFriendIsATaco: you said it yourself...youre falling apart
xMisShapenChaos: But I am capeable of building myself up again.. I have done it before without anyone's help
MyFriendIsATaco: but i want to help...itd make things easier
MyFriendIsATaco: you need to not keep the peopel taht do love you shunned out of your life
xMisShapenChaos: Matt, you are the only one. you are not out of my life,
MyFriendIsATaco: i feel like i am
MyFriendIsATaco: you dont want to tell me everything, and you dont want me to help you...what else am i here for?
xMisShapenChaos: Just love me no matter what, if my world is falling apart. or I'm on top of it.. Just love me
MyFriendIsATaco: i do love you, but it hurts me to see you like this when there is nothing i can do about it
MyFriendIsATaco: thats why i want to see you right now just so i can hug you and reassure you things will be alrigh and so you know im here for you
MyFriendIsATaco: i will always be there for you, no matter what your problem is....thats why i truely believe that i am in love with you right now
xMisShapenChaos: I love you too.. More than anything.. but I need to deal with this on my own.
xMisShapenChaos: You are not always going to be there for me to lean on. I don't want to get used to you being my crutch when something is wrong then you leave and my world fall apart again
MyFriendIsATaco: i will always be there for not leaving austintown...unless you do, then i can always keep in touch with you
MyFriendIsATaco: but for now, im not going anywhere
MyFriendIsATaco: at least until you graduate...
xMisShapenChaos: But not even that. If we were to break up.. If anything were to happen and you weren't there. I want to be able to keep my world together on my own. Not because you held it up
MyFriendIsATaco: i understand....i just want to help you bring your world back together quicker
MyFriendIsATaco: im not asking you to just rely on me, but i can help
xMisShapenChaos: I know
xMisShapenChaos: But I don't need help
xMisShapenChaos: This is my life and my problems
xMisShapenChaos: I don't want you to get involved in this black hole that is my life. I don't want you to understand how I feel or even know. Its painful and I don't wish it upon anyone.
MyFriendIsATaco: but you dont understand...your problems are my problems too
xMisShapenChaos: Why are they?
xMisShapenChaos: I created them all on my own. I can diminish them on my own too
xMisShapenChaos: Matt.. I am fine.. Really..
MyFriendIsATaco: becasue it would be impossible for me to just let you go and not ever question you about anything...if you have a problem, i obligate myself to help you
xMisShapenChaos: Please just let it go. I am fine
MyFriendIsATaco: theyre not actually "my problems", just i make it a point to help you with it, i dont want to see you sad
xMisShapenChaos: I'm not sad with you, you make me happier than I have been in a long time..
MyFriendIsATaco: i know, you were happy today :-D im that good
xMisShapenChaos: Yea
xMisShapenChaos: This is seriously how I feel.. Kill me. Now. Please? I don't care how. Slit my throat, put a bullet through my brain, choke me, break my neck... I don't want to put up with this. Any of this. It's too much to deal with. I'm forcing myself so much to appear semi-happy. And it's not working. All it does is make me more aggravated. I hate this. And I hate myself. I want this all to die.. ..but I want myself to more. I want to give up.. but I've done so much work already. And it's still leading me nowhere... except down. I've got no distance left to fall.
MyFriendIsATaco: ok, wow, im scared for you right now
xMisShapenChaos: I just can't take this..
xMisShapenChaos: I think I am going to go to my room..
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, please, i need to see you now
xMisShapenChaos: try to sleep this off.. I don't want to talk..
xMisShapenChaos: No..
MyFriendIsATaco: i need to hug you and reassure you
xMisShapenChaos: I don't need reassurance..
xMisShapenChaos: I came into this world alone, I'll leave that way. Maybe sooner than people would have expected
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, no
MyFriendIsATaco: you dont know how badly id feel if you killed yourself
MyFriendIsATaco: first off, youd ruin my dating life forever!! id NEVER be able to date somebody because id feel i killed them!, haha, but seriously, you are my world right now....i would do anything for you (within reason), if you killed yourself, id probably kill myself too, you are the only person holding me together right now, without you, id have probably already killed myself
xMisShapenChaos: But Matt, there is nothing wrong in your life. You have friends that care about you.. Mallory, kaite, Abby.. even the guys.. Think of Mark. You guys are close. He would miss you.. The only people who would be at my funeral (other thna the people obligated to be there) would be you and my sister.. Beacuse you loved me.. genuinely loved me. You life would not fall apart. You would find another girl, nicer, prettier, and smarter than me. fall in love and forget I even existed. Its the circle of relationships.. You would get bettter. I have been waiting for things to get better since I was like 7 when I realized things were bad
MyFriendIsATaco: im sorry, but yes, i was falling apart, yes i have friends, but that just wasnt cutting it, i needed to be actually loved, it was something ive never experienced before adn im loving every moment of it now, i never wnat it to end, you never knew how i actually felt because i was always happy when i was aroudn you, for soemreason i always felt a connection with you from the day we "cuddled" outside of the skate park...i knew you were someone special
xMisShapenChaos: wasn't it rainy that day? haha I remember.. Yes, I enjoyed that too.
MyFriendIsATaco: definitely wasnt rainy, at least not when we were outside
xMisShapenChaos: haha
xMisShapenChaos: No, it was wet.
xMisShapenChaos: haha
xMisShapenChaos: I remember..
xMisShapenChaos: Oh hush
MyFriendIsATaco: alls i know is that crusades of an omlet performed and you missed it, haha
xMisShapenChaos: haha,
xMisShapenChaos: yes because I went to get McD's
MyFriendIsATaco: but honestly, but that night, ive had some sort of feeling for you
MyFriendIsATaco: it wasnt love then....but it was just a connection i felt between you
xMisShapenChaos: I thought you like.. didn't even want to be my friend.. hmph
MyFriendIsATaco: haha, you also had cory then too
xMisShapenChaos: Yes, I did
MyFriendIsATaco: so im not expecting you to havea connection with me
xMisShapenChaos: No, I wanted to be your friend.. But I loved cory
MyFriendIsATaco: i understand
xMisShapenChaos: But thats the past..
MyFriendIsATaco: :-)
MyFriendIsATaco: is that a smile?
xMisShapenChaos: Yea
MyFriendIsATaco: yay!
xMisShapenChaos: mhm..
xMisShapenChaos: its gone though
MyFriendIsATaco: damn
MyFriendIsATaco: better than nothing though
xMisShapenChaos: :( I look like that again
MyFriendIsATaco: :-(
MyFriendIsATaco: im like that again too
MyFriendIsATaco: actually, im more like :-
MyFriendIsATaco: im actually thinking about you and my brains not used to it, haha
xMisShapenChaos: what are you thinking?
MyFriendIsATaco: about how much i love you and how much you mean to me and just how everything you have said to me makes me feel
xMisShapenChaos: haha thats okay.. dave is getting me fries with a frostie!
MyFriendIsATaco: haha
xMisShapenChaos: How does it make you feel.?
MyFriendIsATaco: i have mixed happy about how you feel for me, but thats only me being selfish in a way, but im just generally sad about what you are going though and there is nothing i can do about it...i really dont think you haev any idea about how that feels
xMisShapenChaos: I do know how that feels
MyFriendIsATaco: its just im a very compassionate person to people in general...i always care about how other people feel, no matter who they are...but then theres favorite person out of everyone....the love of my life....the most important thing to me EVER...and youre sad, and i cant fix it...its a bit overwhelming for me...ive always been able to help any of my friends problems before, katie would come to me with a problem, or mallory, and id just be able to talk to them and reassure them about stuff and everything would be alright...i cant do that with you...and i dont know how to deal wiht it
xMisShapenChaos: But I'm okay
xMisShapenChaos: My world is not falling apart. I over-exaggerate.. Nothing is wrong.. Fprget I said anything
xMisShapenChaos: I'm okay. I promise
MyFriendIsATaco: im sorry, but i dont believe you on that
xMisShapenChaos: Why.?
MyFriendIsATaco: i cant
xMisShapenChaos: Why.?
xMisShapenChaos: I'm alright, I promise..
xMisShapenChaos: Matt, believe me.. stop worring about me..
MyFriendIsATaco: i cant stop worrying about you! you dont understand obviously
xMisShapenChaos: I do..
xMisShapenChaos: I get that you care.. But If you cared you'd let me figure this out for myself
MyFriendIsATaco: there is no way i could tell myself to not worry about you
xMisShapenChaos: Then worry away..
xMisShapenChaos: I love you so much. Thank you for being there for me and my crazyness..
xMisShapenChaos: but I swear.. My world is okay.. I'm okay..
MyFriendIsATaco: is that 100% truth there?
xMisShapenChaos: no.
MyFriendIsATaco: ok then
MyFriendIsATaco: i know its not
MyFriendIsATaco: i know you better than that
xMisShapenChaos: I know
xMisShapenChaos: I wish I could see you now. and you were here to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be alright.
MyFriendIsATaco: so do i
MyFriendIsATaco: ive been wanting to do that
MyFriendIsATaco: so badly
xMisShapenChaos: I wish I oculd just pour my heart out to you.. But, I can't
MyFriendIsATaco: well thats up to you
MyFriendIsATaco: i wish you could too
MyFriendIsATaco: but i cant force you to
xMisShapenChaos: I know..
MyFriendIsATaco: i wish that you never had to leave me, you are happy when youre with me, im happy whem im wiht you...
xMisShapenChaos: its not that I don;t trust you. I know I can tell you anything. Idon't want to break down and cry with you there.
xMisShapenChaos: i don't want you to ever see me cry
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie, if you did that, there would be no shame in it, thats what im here for...i would not think anything less of you, i would think more of you actually, i would know that you are comfortable enough with me to do that...honestly, id probably cry with you...for some reason, its like a magical thing, (dont make fun of me) the first and only time ive ever seen someone cry genuinely was katie, and it was an experience...i dont know why, but it sort of made me happy inside...not becasue she was sad, but becasue i know she loves me enough to do that in front of me, i dont even think happy was the word, its more reassuring
xMisShapenChaos: You know I am comfortable with you. I don't cry for ANYONE. I hate to cry, although its all i have seemed to be doing for the past week. I hate being like this, I hate being this sad all the time.. I've tried to be happy, I really have. But its hard to see the light through all of this darkness
MyFriendIsATaco: But its hard to see the light through all of this darkness
MyFriendIsATaco: you sound so poetic, haha
MyFriendIsATaco: why dont you ever talk like that, youre like a little shakespeare
xMisShapenChaos: haha..
xMisShapenChaos: I read a poem while we were talking.
xMisShapenChaos: wanna read?
MyFriendIsATaco: sure
MyFriendIsATaco: ill try
MyFriendIsATaco: haha
xMisShapenChaos: Not like you're going to understand it.. but it is pretty simple
xMisShapenChaos: If I believed I could trust you,
maybe things would be different
If I believed in God,
maybe I'd be happier.
If I believed there was a point to this,
maybe I'd listen.
If I believed there was a light at the end of this tunnel,
maybe I'd continue on.
If I believed that this life would get better,
maybe I wouldn't be here now...
waiting for my chance to end it.
MyFriendIsATaco: sadness...not good
MyFriendIsATaco: read happy stuff
MyFriendIsATaco: ill write you a poem, im sweet at it, and mine are always happy and youll laugh because theyre so simple and stupid and make no sense
xMisShapenChaos: haha
MyFriendIsATaco: give me a random stupid word
MyFriendIsATaco: ill write a poem about it
xMisShapenChaos: No.
MyFriendIsATaco: come on!!
MyFriendIsATaco: do it!!
xMisShapenChaos: no
MyFriendIsATaco: the first silly word to come to you head
xMisShapenChaos: no
MyFriendIsATaco: goat?
MyFriendIsATaco: alright
MyFriendIsATaco: works for me, haha
xMisShapenChaos: heh
MyFriendIsATaco: im on it
MyFriendIsATaco: i got 4 lines already
xMisShapenChaos: haha, YESS
MyFriendIsATaco: i got it
MyFriendIsATaco: its called "Ernie"
MyFriendIsATaco: There once was a man who was half goat
He lived on the ocean on a great big boat
Sometimes he drove his boat to the shore
To shop at the local deli store
He buys lots of ham
But never SPAM
He uses that ham to decorate his boat
I dont know why...maybe because he is half goat!
MyFriendIsATaco: now that takes skill
xMisShapenChaos: you bet it does!
xMisShapenChaos: it made me laugh.. OUT LOUD!
MyFriendIsATaco: see, i can write poety too!!
MyFriendIsATaco: yeah, thats what my goal is
xMisShapenChaos: Thank you.
xMisShapenChaos: I needed that
MyFriendIsATaco: want me to write another one?
xMisShapenChaos: if you would like
MyFriendIsATaco: give me a random topic...i used to do this all the time for some reason
xMisShapenChaos: Pickles
MyFriendIsATaco: id be sitting there and some kid will just tell me to write about a snowman, and id write like a 30 line poem just on a snowman
MyFriendIsATaco: ill try with pickles
MyFriendIsATaco: im losign my touch dammit!
xMisShapenChaos: haha
MyFriendIsATaco: im losing rhyming skills
xMisShapenChaos: poems don't ahve to rhyme
MyFriendIsATaco: mine do!
xMisShapenChaos: haha, okay
MyFriendIsATaco: rhyming word for mom...quickly
xMisShapenChaos: IdK
MyFriendIsATaco: damit
xMisShapenChaos: haha
MyFriendIsATaco: rhymes with woman...
MyFriendIsATaco: go
MyFriendIsATaco: hahaha
MyFriendIsATaco: wow, only one word that rhymes with woman
xMisShapenChaos: haha
xMisShapenChaos: quick.. I must get off
MyFriendIsATaco: haha, alright
I just bought a pickle...
It only cost me a nickle...
I currently have no plans
Only to stack up my cans
I really dont know why I bought this pickle
But it only cost me ONE nickle!
Maybe I will give it to my neighbor
In hopes he will do my labor
Maybe I will give it to a beautiful lady (as in you)
In hopes that she will not be shady
Maybe this pickle is worth more than a normal pickle...
But I still, only paid ONE nickle!
xMisShapenChaos: haha..
xMisShapenChaos: you just made my daY!
MyFriendIsATaco: damn right i did
xMisShapenChaos: We can have a heart to heart talk tomorrow after school if you wish.. since you want to talk.
MyFriendIsATaco: can we?
xMisShapenChaos: Sure
MyFriendIsATaco: promise?
xMisShapenChaos: Yes.
MyFriendIsATaco: yay!
MyFriendIsATaco: just spill your heart out to me :-D i cant wait
xMisShapenChaos: its not going to be all that great
MyFriendIsATaco: why not?
xMisShapenChaos: Good night matthew.. I love you.. Thanks for EVERYTHING..
MyFriendIsATaco: i love you too, thank you for letting me help you
MyFriendIsATaco: dont ever think i cant
xMisShapenChaos: You just listened to me and reassured me that I am not alone and I am loved..
xMisShapenChaos: By one person, but thats enough
MyFriendIsATaco: you are loved
MyFriendIsATaco: you mean the world and more to me
MyFriendIsATaco: honestly
xMisShapenChaos: And you mean that to me..
xMisShapenChaos: You kept me talking and that saved me from doing something stupid.
MyFriendIsATaco: :-)
MyFriendIsATaco: you can call me anytime if you need to stop yourself from doing anything stupid
MyFriendIsATaco: i dont care what time or where im at or who im with
MyFriendIsATaco: if its that important, it doesnt matter
xMisShapenChaos: Don't make empty promises you can't keep.
MyFriendIsATaco: no, i can keep that one, as long as i haev my phone on me, haha
MyFriendIsATaco: or im not at a concert adn i cant talk to you because its too loud, haha
MyFriendIsATaco: i never wnat you to do something stupid again
xMisShapenChaos: i'll try not to
MyFriendIsATaco: no cutting
xMisShapenChaos: sweet dreams my love.. You mean the world to me..
xMisShapenChaos: No pills..
MyFriendIsATaco: sweet dreams my love
xMisShapenChaos: I promise no pills
MyFriendIsATaco: no cutting either!
xMisShapenChaos: I promise no pills.
MyFriendIsATaco: promise me
MyFriendIsATaco: jackie...
xMisShapenChaos: I can't promise anything..
xMisShapenChaos: I can promise I'll try.
MyFriendIsATaco: alright, well if you get the urge to, call me, ill talk you out of it
MyFriendIsATaco: can you promise me that?
xMisShapenChaos: But I must go.. My mother is hollering for me.. I love you more than anything..
xMisShapenChaos: Yes. I can
MyFriendIsATaco: i love you too, ill see you tomorrow
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