we've hit a plateau. this could be a good sign, or a very bad one. i'm my case, i've grown accustomed to thinking that plateaus only forshadow a downfall, as a lot of them do. i've never, in reality, come across a plateau that ascends after becoming bored with its surroundings. i've only known them to go down in my lfe. our plateau i pray will not descend, but since downhill slopes are what i'm used to, i see it no other way. i hope somehow he can prove me wrong, and i'm awaiting the day that his smile awed me like it did that first day. it still amazes me, i'm not bored with it, but the excitement of it like it was the day we met is gone. who knows, maybe it's not that it's only fading in my eyes. it could be fading in general, his own life might make him smile less. but that still worries me as much because i am a part of his life, and love isn't supposed to make smiles fade. i just don't know if love can do it anymore. i'm willing to work through this plateau if you are. the view at the top i hear is to die for, so seeing it with you is unfathomable to me.
people always say that when they fall in love, they don't fall in love with the person, but they fall in love with everything about them. i never knew what they meant, until now. i looked at him tonight, and realized how much i love every crevice of his body. every scar, bruise, and shadow of his face. i see them, and i love them. no more or less than i love him as a whole.
i feel somewhat like a naive little girl for admitting this urban legend to be true. and, though, i doubted it for many others, when it happens it really happens. when i look over the curves of his face, he creases of his skin, the lines of truth all over him, my legs turn into butter, and i only wish in that moment to melt into him.
- matthew d. robenolt