its amazing how easily one can change their view of someone so quickly. he saw me one way one day, and in the right setting, with the right lighting and perfect angle, he sees me as something else. he now sees me how they all do, no longer as someone out of touch, out of reach. i am easily within his grasp like i always have been, but now we're in the same zone. he was always a little more than an arm's length away from me. someone i could only admire from afar, and though he's come closer within my grasp, he still is untouchable. he will always be one step higher, forever uneffected by my sweet attempts, my disappointing tactics. that idea was what became familiarity to me. i became comfortable with the thought that i could only study his movements from a safe distance. but we both crossed our boundaries that night, our judgement clouded by the fog that surrounded us. we found ourselves standing on the ledge, looking out into an endless, hazy abyss. and we found home in it that night. he crossed paths into my square, and my square we shared. i've traced his outline through the air for as long as i can remember, and this time he was tracing mine, and space and time were no longer holding us back.
Gosh, I love this boy. he is so amazing to me. everytime we talk. everytime we touch he never ceases to do something to take my breath away. every second i am with him i will never take for grated. my knight in shinning armor coming to save me when no one else will care. he has become so close to me over these past few days.
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