Listening to: Usher - Burn
Feeling: sane
wow .. I seriously think that beej said the meanest thing ever to me tonight (well friday). we went skating and I was like do you like me again and he was like I don't wnat to! like it got me thinking what is wrong with me even though he told me nothing.. I realize that I have to open myself up to people. I am scared to let people get close to me because I don't want to get hurt, but I know that when you block out that bad, you are blocking out the good with it also! but I just don;t know if there is more pain then happiness, and if there is, is it worth all the suffering. "without suffering there would be no compassion" " but tell that to those who suffer." thats how I feel. I have been through so much pain that a 14 year old girl should not go through! Court since I was 18 months old. bitch to almost everyone. not exactally the cutest kid in the world and I couldn't get a guy to save my life. it just seems like I have been super extra down lately and I don't know why. "The trouble with words are,once said they exist forever,once let lose they can never be recaptured,& once spoken they can never really be forgotten..." I guess thats how I feel. but I don't even know why what he said touched a nerve. it bothers me. WHATS WRONG WITH ME??
BBoxCarRacer911: this nothing wrong with you
BBoxCarRacer911: dont know why you dont know that yet
Thanks Steve! I love you!! you are the best friend that I can ask for!
Happy Sweet 16 Travis Edward Welsh!! I love you! don't forget about our new found friendship! (: love yah kid!
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