I want so many things. I need so few. I ride through each day completely disconnected. I leave myself on autopilot, going through the motions daily. I stay lost in rocksongs old thrills far away places and old movis where people look alot happier than the people I see around me. I want we the people to unite, i don't expect peac, that is beyond comprehension. I want unity for freedom. We want to be different, people being the same is such a communist, marxist, cencored and brainwashed society.We are the worlds greatestg uperpower, we need a revolt. United together by the ommon ground of nature. Nature is what is being cut off from the youths today. Whatever religion you believe or choose to hate, all agree that nature and natural order has a spirituality within it. there is an energy, a life force. That todays society tries to suffocate. I am a hypocryte ubtill i actually take action, but I am so broken and lifeless for fighting for my own freedom. I lost so many precious things, and people.. I will never bow to anyone but the lord whatever you call him this spirit, is our power.. but i feel them weep more and more these days.. Time is slipping awayand the seond greatest super power never rests in a one world order.. And the greatest supepower on the earth is on here reading this. They're bitching about something, some cop, some law, some tax, some liberty being taken away. we have the power, but the youth has been told how little power he or she has, they want you to climb the "American Dream" ladder.. to be a mindless peon serving the greater machine.. and they give you money. People suffer their entire life to eat because of money.. Money isnt natural, It wasnt created naturally, it wont keep you warm, there isnt even enough gold to back up our money, not to mention China owns our ass, and their peopl are ready to revot. But, everyone is kept dumbed down ad guided to think that the government is protecting us. try reading, not a book from wal-mart, go read Into The Wild, look into Tom Brown Jr., Check out oathkeepers.com, just search as i have been for years. find what is real, this is a time of false realities with signs as to the end time. If all government supplies were cut off, could you keep yourslf warm and fed? could you survive by your own means? Or has the government made the slave love the master, the kidnapped girl who falls in love with her captor. Turn off MTV because no music is on it anyway, then read this twice and join me
Listening to: social distortion
Feeling: restless
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