oh boy..

wweeeee heather found a way to get on here during school. sweet haha. well today was 'ok' um.. spanish sucked!!!!!! and art were doing this really cool carving thing where we carve a picture into rubber. its awesome. i did it in 8th grade. and were forced to do damn flowers. but when im done with that im gonna do either axil from guns n roses or tom delonge playing guitar. mr oneal showed us a couple his old students did and there was a really good bob marley one it was sweet. so anyway. gym wasnt as fun as yesterday. nicole tackled me. cause i dove for the ball and she dove on top of me lol. Lunch was fun. stacey heather lauren and dustin all came lol. and dustin wouldnt let me walk him back to his class for some weird reason so i just stayed. directed study was.. different! first i sat with brittany then i went and sat against the wall cause i wasnt getting connection and joe gotto came and sat with me cause he was skipping class and he was telling me how hes gonna get this new place cause hes 18 and got kicked out. and then he asked me why i go out with dustin. im like why wouldnt i? hes like cause hes 17! im like soo. and then hes like ya no i was gonna ask you out but then i found out you go out with him so i didnt. im like you didnt like me. hes like uhh yeah i did! im like oh geez oh well. so thats scary. verrrryyy scary. im in 6th now and we have the rest of class to do whatever so this is sweet. ok later.
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oh yeh. Baber's class. lol. we did that yesterday! it was sooooo fun.

my arm hurts
last year mr baber jumped over his desk to take this guy's cell phone. he's crazy...
so are you going to get your headphones back?